Maneuvers Flashcards
- Aviate … PRIORITY ONE … control aircraft
a. re-state current maneuver (climb, level cruise, etc.)
b. pitch for target altitude
c. power for target speed
d. turn to adjust course
e. roll to level wings
f. rudder to stop yaw
g. check for traffic
h. check gauges
i. configure plane (flaps) - Navigate … PRIORITY TWO … only after aviating
a. check current ground track, crab if necessary
b. decide if course change required
c. decide if altitude change required
d. decide if a change to the current maneuver is required - Communicate … PRIORITY THREE … only after aviating, and navigating
a. communicate with CFI
b. communicate with ATIS
c. communicate with ATC
Standard Climb
- CAT - clear, note target altitude, target for heading (visual reference)
- Full PWR, carburetor preheat OFF
- Vx below 1,000 feet with electric fuel pump on
- Vy above 1,000 feet with electric fuel pump off
- use rudder to counter prop yaw (hold heading target steady), monitor altitude, airspeed, attitude
- if the ground track is drifting unacceptably consider crabbing
- drop nose occasionally to LFA (look for aircraft)
- when leveling off (completing the climb) begin at 10% of climb rate below, pitch down to stay at target altitude, neutralize rudder, and reduce PWR once airspeed reaches cruising speed (85 KIAS in Sportstar)
Level Cruise
- set PWR to 4,800 and adjust to stay at around 85 KIAS
- Note heading (visual reference), and target altitude
- monitor altitude, airspeed, attitude, and yaw - adjust as needed
- if the ground track is drifting unacceptably consider crabbing
- Look for aircraft
Standard Descent
- CAT - clear, note target altitude, target for heading (visual reference)
- set PWR to 3,200, carburetor preheat ON, adjust pitch downward to stay at around 85 KIAS
- monitor altitude, airspeed, attitude, and yaw - adjust as needed
- if the ground track is drifting unacceptably consider crabbing
- when leveling off (completing the descent) begin at 10% of descent rate above, pitch up to stay at target altitude, neutralize rudder, and increase PWR as needed to maintain cruising speed (85 KIAS in Sportstar), carburetor preheat OFF
- CAT - clear, note altitude, target for new heading (visual reference), target attitude for turn
- determine heading to start roll out of turn (1/2 bank angle before target heading is reached)
- roll into turn, applying coordinated rudder to avoid slipping / skidding
- return ailerons / rudder to neutral, add elevator to avoid losing altitude
- use coordinated ailerons / rudder to hold the bank angle
- use elevator to hold the altitude
- when 1/2 bank angle before target heading, start rollout (look outside at target)
- roll out of turn, applying coordinated rudder to avoid slipping / skidding
- level wings and establish level cruise
Establishing MCA (minimum controllable airspeed)
- CAT - clear, note altitude, target for new heading (visual reference), target attitude for turn
- set PWR to 3,200, carburetor preheat ON, adjust pitch to maintain altitude,
- apply rudder as prop yaw will increase as plane slows down, maintain heading
- flaps incremented at 55, 50, 45 KIAS
- at 45 KIAS increase PWR to 4,000, adjust pitch to maintain altitude, continue to apply rudder while maintaining heading
- all turns need to be very shallow - 10 degrees or less of bank
Recovering from MCA (minimum controllable airspeed)
- set PWR to full, carburetor preheat OFF, compensate for additional yaw with rudder
- lower nose smoothly to level pitch
- stay on heading, maintain altitude
- flaps decremented at 45, 50, 55 KIAS
- neutralize rudder, and reduce PWR once airspeed reaches cruising speed (85 KIAS in Sportstar)
Approach Stall (power off stall)
- CAT - clear, note altitude, target for heading (way up high!)
- reduce PWR to 3200 RPM, carburetor preheat ON, pitch to maintain altitude, and to drop speed to 60 KIAS
- pitch for 60 KIAS
- extend full flaps, reduce PWR to idle
- pitch for 60 KIAS
- pitch to hold altitude, increase rudder to counter prop yaw, stay on heading
- increase pitch, use rudder to center ball, control roll with ailerons
- announce stall, use rudder to center ball, control roll
- lower nose smoothly to level pitch, use rudder to center ball, control roll
- apply full power, level wings, stay on heading
- flaps decremented at 45, 50, 55 KIAS
- climb at 60 KIAS (Vx) to starting altitude
- return to level cruise (PPRT), same heading & altitude
Departure Stall (power on stall)
- CAT - clear, note altitude, target for heading (way up high!)
- reduce power to 3200 RPM, pitch to maintain altitude, increase rudder to counter prop yaw
- at 45 KIAS apply full power, pitch to 20+ degrees
- use rudder to center ball, control roll with ailerons
- announce stall, use rudder to center ball, control roll
- lower nose smoothly, increase rudder to counter prop yaw, control roll
- level wings, stay on heading
- climb at 60 KIAS (Vx) to starting altitude
- return to level cruise (PPRT), same heading & altitude
Unusual Attitude - DOWN & SIDEWAYS
- reduce PWR
- level wings
- raise nose - pitch to level
- pitch to climb at Vx (60 KIAS)
- establish level cruise at appropriate heading and altitude
Unusual Attitude - UP & SIDEWAYS
- full PWR (carburetor preheat OFF)
- lower nose - pitch to climb at Vx (60 KIAS)
- level wings
- establish level cruise at appropriate heading and altitude
Take Off from RWY 20
- rotate smoothly at 45 KIAS, enough to put pressure on the stick, then climb at 60 KIAS (vx)
- at end of runway (blue building) turn left 15 degrees to (heading 185)
- at pattern altitude minus 300 (550 @ KSNA) turn left perpendicular to runway (heading 110)
- at pattern altitude (850 @ KSNA) turn towards El Toro (heading 080)
- at 1,000 feet turn off fuel pump, continue climb at Vy (65 KIAS)
- continue to climb, level off at 2,200
- make sure to stay below 2,400
- enter midfield at 45 degree angle to pattern
- pattern is 1/2 mile out
- pattern altitude is 850 (20L) and 1050 (20R)
- speed is 60 KIAS, one notch flaps, PWR around 4,000, carburetor preheat ON
Normal Approach & Landing
- start abeam of RWY threshold
- apply second notch flaps, set PWR to 3,200, pitch for 60KIAS
- 30 degrees ‘out’ turn base (left, 30 degree bank), pitch for numbers, PWR for 60KIAS
- fly base - pitch for numbers, PWR for 60KIAS
- turn to 15 degree offset (left, 30 degree bank), pitch for numbers, PWR for 60KIAS
- at tree line adjust to fly straight down final, pitch for numbers, PWR for 60KIAS
- small adjustments from here on in for speed, slope, RWY position (roll), and square to RWY (rudder)
- once committed apply third notch of flaps
- 20 feet AGL eyes up (looking down the RWY), throttle all the way out, start round off
- fly down the RWY a few feet AGL, continue pitch up as needed (flare) to fly as long as possible
- back wheels will touch first as plane settles, allow front gear to gently touch down
- brake as needed to stop, exit RWY asap
Critical Airspeeds
- Vso - 37 KIAS … stall speed, bottom red line / white arc at maximum weight (flaps in landing position 50 degrees)
- Vs1 - 38 KIAS … stall speed, bottom green arc at maximum weight (flaps in landing position 30 degrees)
- Vfe - 70 KIAS … maximum flap extended speed, do not exceed this speed with the given flap setting, top of white arc
- Va - 90 KIAS … maneuvering speed, do not make full or abrupt control movement above this speed, because under certain conditions the aircraft may be overstressed by full control movement
- Vno - 115 KIAS … top of green arc, maximum structural speed, do not exceed this speed with exception of slight in smooth air, and even then only with increased caution
- Vne - 146 KIAS … never exceed speed, do not exceed this speed in any operation
Troubleshoot Engine Failure
- engine running rough or off
- CHECK fuel selector
- FUEL in tank check (gauges & totalizer)
- CHOKE should be OFF
- full PWR
- if CARB PREHEAT on, turn off
- MAGS check (on BOTH, try single)
- MASTER check (should be ON)
- electric fuel PUMP on
- if any were … PAUSE / START to see if engine works better
- TOGGLE fuel selector, set CARB PREHEAT on (alternate air)
- PAUSE / START to see if engine works better
E-Landing < 500
- pick a reference target straight ahead on TWY or RWY and start turning to it
- apply flaps
- engine off (fuel selector OFF, full throttle, MAGs off)
- land straight ahead using target as threshold, using flaps if needed
500 < E-Landing < 1000
- 180 degree turn, 45 degree bank, fast!
- add flaps - lose some speed (forward slip if needed)
- engine off (fuel selector OFF, full throttle, MAGs off)
- land back on the RWY you took off on
1000 < E-Landing
- DETERMINE emergency landing field and turn towards it
- ESTABLISH GLIDE (or weak climb) - pitch to 60 KIAS
- TRIM the glide out
- XPNDR set to 7700 (do FIRST if electrical problem)
- ISSUE MAYDAY on current ATC frequency, if frequency busy switch to 121.5
- REFER to POH section 3
- NOTE WIND DIRECTION relative emergency landing field
- NOTE THRESHOLD, and KEY POINTS on either side of it.
- NOTE ground elevation - your pattern should be 1,000 feet AGL
- at 2,000 AGL engine off (fuel selector OFF, full throttle, MAGs off, MASTER OFF)
- DOWNWIND LEG towards key point - hang on to altitude, ok to be overshooting
- LOSE altitude at key point if needed to get within 300 feet of 1,000 AGL by doing bleed off 360s
- IF UNDERSHOOTING cut the corner and get down quick
Engine Fire
- immediately turn towards your emergency landing strip
- while turning engine off (fuel selector OFF, full throttle, MAGs off, MASTER OFF)
- while turning close vents
- PITCH DOWN (not too many Gees), BANK 60 degrees, to reach 100 - 110KIAS - till fire out
- pull up (not too many Gees), establish 60 kts GLIDE towards E-LANDING
- if fire not electrical - MASTER ON, radio / xpndr on
- issue mayday if possible
- set 7700 on xpndr
- if no radio execute LOST COMM procedure
- UNLATCH canopy
- execute E-LANDING
Lost Comm
1.1 Troubleshoot “Radio is DEAD - no display”
a. check radio is switched on
b. check avionics have power
c. check switches on panel
d. check MASTER
AND / OR …
1.2 Troubleshoot “I can’t hear anyone”
a. check FREQUENCY
b. try a DIFFERENT frequency (try ATIS)
c. check VOLUME (radio, headset, intercom)
d. check SQUELCH on radio
e. SWITCH / clean headset plug outlets
AND / OR …
1.3 Troubleshoot “nobody can hear me - I can hear ATIS”
a. check FREQUENCY
b. check SENSITIVITY setting on intercom / mic
c. try a DIFFERENT frequency (issue radio check)
d. SWITCH / clean headset plug outlets
2. set XPNDR to 7600 - like CTAF
a. @ practice area to CLR
b. @ Signal Peak to CLR
c. @ Signal Peak to TWR
d. @ UCI to TWR
e. when entering downwind to TWR
f. when turning base to TWR
3. XMIT BLIND all the way
4. Normal approach - using signal lights
a. at UCI circle & look for traffic
b. look at TWR for signal lights
5. Normal landing based on SIGNAL LIGHTS
Signal Lights - in flight
- steady green - clear to land
- flashing green - clear to approach, stay in pattern while flashing
- steady red - circle or go round
- flashing red - airport unsafe, do not land (MAYDAY!)
- alternating red and green - exercise extreme caution (wake turbulence, etc.)
Signal Lights - on ground
- steady green - clear to take off
- flashing green - clear to taxi
- steady red - stop
- flashing red - immediately taxi clear of runway in use
- alternating red and green - exercise extreme caution
- flashing white - return to starting point
Go Around
- pitch to just above level
- apply full PWR, carb preheat OFF
- reduce flaps one notch at a time, 45, 50, 55 KIAS
- pitch for Vx (60 KIAS) in Sportstar
- fly down RWY
- at end of runway (blue building) turn left 15 degrees to (heading 185)
- at pattern altitude minus 300 (550 @ KSNA) turn left perpendicular to runway (heading 110)
Spin Recovery
- stop spin using opposite rudder
- execute a recover from unusual attitude
a. throttle out
b. level wings
c. pitch up
d. full throttle, climb at Vx
VFR Cruising Altitude Rules
On a magnetic course of 0-179 degrees shall fly at an odd thousand ft MSL altitude +500 feet (e.g. 3,500, 5,500, or 7,500 ft);
On a magnetic course of 180-359 degrees shall fly at an even thousand ft MSL altitude +500 feet (e.g. 4,500, 6,500, or 8,500 ft).
Ground Reference Maneuvers
- take some time - note wind direction, plan for maneuver - pick out key points, note perspective effects
- CAT - clear, note target altitude (should be around 1,500 AGL), note target speed (60 KIAS w/ 1 notch of flaps, 4,000 RPM, carburetor preheat ON )
- setup at target altitude, target airspeed
- enter flying downwind (with the wind) with wings parallel to ground
- fly for position - not for where the nose is pointed or how the wings are banked
- pitch for altitude, throttle for speed, don’t get distracted (aviate, navigate, communicate)
Extend Downwind - ADM analysis
- “7SL extend downwind for traffic”
- Aviate - do not add flaps, slow plane down, maintain or increase altitude, look for traffic
- Navigate - pick a distant point to keep ground track straight, crab if necessary
- Communicate - Acknowledge “extending downwind, traffic in sight, 7SL”
Extend Upwind - ADM analysis
- “7SL extend upwind for traffic”
- Aviate - continue climb, look for traffic
- Navigate - if already on crosswind, turn back on upwind (right turn), pick distant point to keep ground track straight
- Communicate - Acknowledge “extending upwind, traffic in sight, 7SL”
Pre - Landing Check … Brakes don’t Work !!!
• Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
- set XPNDR to 7700
- issue MAYDAY on TWR frequency “JW TWR, Sportstar 907SL, Signal Peak 3,500, Mayday, I repeat MAYDAY”
- explain “Brakes are not operative, request landing RWY 20R to insure sufficient room to stop 7SL”
- normal landing (left turn) into RWY 20R
- mags off when all wheels down
- coast to a stop
Plane Coming Head On - ADM analysis
- you see a plane coming head on
- Aviate - turn right, keep an eye on the traffic
- Navigate - evaluate what / where the right turn sent you and if further correction needed
- Communicate - declare intentions “El Toro Traffic, Sportstar 907SL location altitude manuever El Toro Traffic
Electrical Fire
- close vents
- SWITCH stuff on one thing at a time, starting with radio / avionics - OPTIONAL !!!
- UNLATCH canopy
- execute LOST COMM procedure items 2-4
RPM Goes UP During Carb Preheat Test at Runup
- could be carburetor icing
- attempt to dislodge with varying throttle back and forth
- run engine at full throttle for 3 minutes, try test again
- repeat again, if no use abort mission
Spin Recovery
- slow / stop rotation with full opposite rudder
- pitch down to stop stall
- recover from unusual attitude
a. reduce PWR
b. level wings
c. raise nose - pitch to level
d. pitch to climb at Vx (60 KIAS)
e. establish level cruise at appropriate heading and altitude