Maneuvers Flashcards
Prior to performing a visual inspection of the airplane, you should check the airplane logbooks and records for what inspection?
Check aircraft logbooks and records to ensure appropriate airworthiness directives have been complied with, maintenance requirements met, aircraft inspections performed
What documents are required on board the airplane?
Aircraft worthiness
Operating limitations
Weight and balance
How can you tell when water is present in a fuel sample?
it is heavier than fuel, settles at the bottom
Nicks on a propeller can cause excessive stress and should be checked by a certified mechanic
Which are items to check on the wing during the preflight inspection?
A. A fuel sample from the fuel tank drain and the fuel vents and pitot tube for blockage
B. The fuel quantity and the elevator/stabilator for security, damage, and freedom of movement
C. A fuel sample from the fuel strainer or gas color and the aileron for security, damage and freedom of movement
Before you start the engine, a thorough look around the propeller eliminates the need for opening a window or door and shouting “clear”
Which is a step in the starting procedure for a fuel-injected engine?
A. Set the mixture to RICH prior to engaging the starter
B. Open the throttle to approximately 1/8 to 1/2 inch after the engine starts
C. Turn the ignition switch and then advance the mixture control to RICH as the engine fires
What are the two actions that you can take to help make it easier to start an engine in very cold weather?
using an external preheater and/or an external power source to start the engine
After you start the engine in cold weather, the oil pressure should register properly within how many seconds?
60 seconds
After starting the engine, what action should you take in the event the oil pressure does not register within the green arc in the recommended time?
Immediately shut down the engine to prevent possible damage
Taxi speed is primarily controlled by using the breaks
Does the effectiveness of the aileron, rudder, and stabilator controls increase to decrease as the airplanes speed decreases?
What action is helpful in reducing the radius of a turn while taxiing?
Apply the brakes in the direction f the turn
List at least two actions you should take when positioning the airplane to perform the before takeoff check?
Position the airplane so the propeller blast is not directed toward anything hazardous to the aircraft or others
If the altimeter setting is not available during the before takeoff check, you can adjust the altimeter to agree with field elevation
Which is a step in the before takeoff check?
A. Position the elevator trim to the full up position to reduce the back pressure necessary for takeoff
B. Turn on the fuel pump and set the mixture to RICH until a stable fuel flow is indicated on the fuel flow indicator (usually 3 to 5 seconds)
C. Ensure the RPM drop with the magneto switch on the RIGHT and LEFT position does not exceed the maximum drop specified in the AFM/POH
Name at least two engine/system notifications that you must verify are in the green sector/arc
Verify that indications register in the green
etc. oil temp, fuel flow, electrical charge
Unless you are assigned a discrete transponder code, what code should you use for VFR flight?
Which is an action that might be included in an after landing checklist?
A. Turn off the fuel pump; insta;; the control lock
B. Retract the flaps; turn off all electrical equipment
C. Retract the flaps; contact ground control for taxi clearance
Name at least 3 actions that are included in the engine shutdown procedure
Set the parking break
Set the power to idle
Turn off electrical equipment
Turn of avionics power switch
Set mixture to lean
You should install the control lock before engine shutdown
If you move an airplane by pushing on the leading edge of a wing, where should you apply pressure?
At the rib locations
Name at least two discrepancies that you should look for during a post flight inspection
check for oil and fuel steaks on cowling, fuel stains under the wings, damage to landing gear and tires, flat spots, leaking hydraulic fluid
During straight-and-level flight, what primary visual reference do you use for maintaining altitude and hearing?
The natural horizon to the front and sides
What is a safety-related advantage of focusing outside the flight deck?
focus on outside
To maintain straight-and-level flight, you normally need to make a continuous series of small adjustments in pitch and bank
What is the primary reason for adjusting the trim?
A. To correct heading
B. To change pitch attitude
C. To relieve control pressures
How can you determine the magnitude of a deviation from your desired heading and altitude?
cross check flight instruments
Which climb speed provides the greatest gain in altitude in the shortest distance?
Which climb speed provides the most gain in altitude in the least amount of time?
As the pitch attitude is increased and the airspeed decreases, left-turning tendencies become less pronounced
Would you expect a need for a decrease or increase of right rudder pressure as the airplane accelerates during level takeoff?
What percentage of your vertical speed should you normally use to determine the lead for leveloff?
You can control your rate of descent with pitch altitude
Does a cruise descent result in a higher or lower groundspeed than a typical descent used for approach to landing?
During a 500 ft/min descent, you have been instructed to level off at 4,000 feet. At what altitude should you begin leveloff?
4050 ft
You can increase your descent rate by lowering the flaps
Would increasing the power during a constant airspeed, power-on descent require you to raise or lower the Mose to maintain airspeed?
raise the nose
What are the three classes of turn and how many degrees of bank are associated with each?
shallow- less than 20%
medium- 20 to 45%
steep- 45%+
During a level turn, you maintain the same amount of aileron deflection throughout the turn
What determines the roll rate?
how long you deflect the ailerons
You are in a climbing turn to the right, using a 30° angle of bank, and you have been directed to rollout on a heading of 090°. On what heading should you begin your rollout?
How can you compensate for the increased rate of decent you experience in a descending turn, as opposed to a straight descent?
add power
How can you counteract the left-turning tendency caused by engine torque on takeoff?
apply right rudder
Why should you keep your hand on the throttle throughout the takeoff?
What can occur if you attempt to lift off with an excessively nose-high attitude?
After a normal takeoff at an uncontrolled airport, what are the recommended procedures for leaving the local area?
What action should you take if the engine is not developing sufficient power for takeoff?
How can you determine the maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity for your airplane?
To counteract the effects of a crosswind from the left during takeoff, you should move the control wheel to the right, placing the left aileron in the down position
As the airplane accelerates during the takeoff roll, will you normally need to increase or decrease aileron deflection used to compensate for a crosswind?
How can you determine if you are using the proper amount of crosswind correction?
After takeoff, what action can you take to track straight out on an imaginary extension of the runway centerline?
What are the five named legs of the traffic pattern?
downwind, base, final, departure, crosswind
Both left-hand and right-hand traffic patterns are normally used when simultaneous
operations are conducted on parallel runways
To aid in collision avoidance, you should turn on your airplane’s landing light within how
many miles of the airport?
10 miles
In the absence of a UNICOM operator or operating control tower, how can you determine the landing runway and the associated pattern direction?
Your airplane is Piper 9163K and you are practicing touch-and-go landings to Runway 26 at Boulder Airport (uncontrolled). Provide an example of the proper radio call after completing the turn to final.
Landing with full flaps extended results in a faster touchdown speed and ground
At what position on the downwind leg should you normally begin your descent for landing?
What corrective actions can you take if the airplane is high when you reach the key position?
While on final approach, if the airplane’s descent angle is too shallow and the airspeed is too
slow, what action should you take?
The landing phase of flight can be divided into what three elements?
While maintaining directional control with the rudder pedals, why should your heels be on
the floor as the airplane touches down?
During landing, floating can be caused by what?
What is the primary purpose of the forward slip?
While performing a forward slip, the airplane’s longitudinal axis is aligned with
the runway
How do you set the power and position the controls to establish a forward slip?