Maneuvers Flashcards
Slow Flight
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Reduce throttle to 1700 RPM (maintain altitude)
- Incrementally add flaps; verify landing configuration
- Slow to just above stall horn (~50 KIAS depending on weight)
- Pitch for Speed, Power for Altitude (significant power increase may be necessary)
- Perform level flight, turns, climbs and descents as required (apply necessary rudder)
- Recovery: Reduce AoA and apply Full Power, Flaps 20°
- Level and accelerate to Vx 62 or Vy 74, Flaps 10°
- At Vy 74 KIAS and Positive Rate, Flaps 0°
- Return to starting altitude
- Perform Cruise checklist when appropriate
Power Off Stall
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Reduce throttle to 1500 RPM (maintain altitude)
- Incrementally add flaps; verify landing configuration
- Initiate stabilized descent @ 60 KIAS
- Throttle idle, increase pitch to maintain altitude (apply necessary rudder)
- At stall/buffet/horn: Reduce AoA and apply Full Power, Flaps 20°
- Level and accelerate to Vx 62 or Vy 74, Flaps 10°
- At Vy 74 KIAS and Positive Rate, Flaps 0°
- Return to starting altitude
- Perform Cruise Checklist when appropriate
Power On Stall
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Reduce throttle to 1500RPM (maintain altitude) to slow to Vr 55KIAS
- Verify Takeoff Configuration
- Increase Pitch (20-25°) & Power simultaneously (apply necessary rudder)
- At stall/buffet/horn: Reduce AoA to horizon
- Accelerate to Vx 62 KIAS or Vy 74KIAS (as necessary)
- climb to starting altitude or momentarily if above
- Perform Climb/Cruise Checklist when appropriate
Steep Turns
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Reduce throttle to 2200 RPM, Slow to 95 KIAS
- Choose visual waypoint
- Roll into Bank 45° Private, 50° Commercial with Aileron AND Rudder, Maintain
Altitude and Airspeed (add elevator/trim as necessary) - Increase to 2400 RPM
- Roll out 20-25° ahead of entry heading with Aileron AND Rudder
- Verify clear of traffic and roll into opposite direction turn. (smoothly and immediately
for commercial) - Roll out 15-20° ahead of entry heading
- Cruise checklist when appropriate
Turns Around a Point / S Turns
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Select appropriate ground reference and emergency field(s)
- Descend to 800ft AGL (ACS says 600-1000ft)
- Throttle to 2200RPM, Airspeed to 95 KIAS
- Enter maneuver on downwind, use bank to correct for wind
(High Ground Speed = Steep, Low Ground Speed = Shallow) - Exit upon returning to entry heading
- Cruise checklist when appropriate
Accelerated Stall
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Reduce throttle to 1500RPM
- Slow to 80 KIAS (Use pitch to hold Altitude)
- Power idle, Bank to 45° and add extensive back pressure
- At first indication: Reduce AoA, apply Full Power and Level Wings
- Perform Cruise Checklist when appropriate
Steep Spiral
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Establish flight path into Upwind
- Select ground reference point
- When directly over the point, reduce power to idle and slow to 85 KIAS
- Adjust bank as necessary to keep point at a fixed distance up to 60° Bank
- After completion of each 360° turn Clear Engine (power to 2000rpms momentarily)
- Exit maneuver on specified heading, resume normal cruise
- Perform Cruise Checklist when appropriate
8s on Pylons
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Establish flight path 45° left of downwind (bug entry heading)
- Throttle to 2300RPM, Airspeed to 105 KIAS
- Establish Pivotal Altitude
- Select ground reference point (road, barn, small pond)
- Begin bank when point is abeam wing (no more than 40°)
- Use pitch to maintain point on reference line (pitch smoothly)
- After completion of a left 270° turn maintain straight and level flight
- After 5-7 seconds, perform steps 4-7 to the right
- Roll out on bugged heading
- Perform Climb/Cruise Checklist when appropriate
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Throttle to 2300RPM, Airspeed to 105 KIAS
- Select 90° Reference
- Bank 30° then apply Full Power
- Slowly increase pitch to 15-17° (should reach max pitch and hold at 90° point)
- Maintain pitch and slowly reduce bank angle to 0° at 180° point
- Slowly reduce pitch to maintain level flight and accelerate to cruise
- Repeat steps 3-6 to the right (If asked to demonstrate to right)
- Perform Cruise Checklist when appropriate
Lazy 8s
- Perform Pre-Maneuver Checklist
- Select 45°,90° and 135° References
- Verify configuration (maintain altitude, 95KIAS and power 2200RPM)
- Increase pitch & bank 1-2° per second (up to ~17° and speed should be near
45°: 15° bank & max pitch up - Relieve back pressure, increase bank
90°: 30° bank, level pitch - Increase back pressure slowly (maintain nose low attitude), reduce bank
135°: 15° bank & max pitch down - Level off @ 180° from start at entry altitude, airspeed and reciprocal heading
- Repeat steps 4-7 to the Other direction smoothly and immediately
- Perform Cruise Checklist when appropriate