Maneuver Objective Statements Flashcards
Steep Turns
To teach a steep bank, maximum performance turn using outside and inside references.
Slow Flight
To teach positive aircra
Power Off Stall
To recognize and recover from a stall in the landing configura
Power On Stall
To recognize and recover from a stall in the takeoff or departure configura
Accelerated Stall
To demonstrate that the aircra
To perform a maximum performance 180° climbing turn.
Lazy Eights
To perform consecu
Turns Around a Point
To perform a constant radius turn around a point on the ground compensa
S-turns across a road
To fly consecutive semi-circles of equal size along a linear reference
Rectangular Course
To fly a ground track equidistant from all sides of a rectangular area compensa
Eights on Pylons
To fly a figure-eight pa
Steep Spirals
To perform at least 3 steep-banked, constant radius, gliding turns around a reference point at a constant airspeed while compensa
Cross-Controlled Stall
To demonstrate and recover from a stall during an uncoordinated turn.
Elevator Trim Stall
To demonstrate and recover from a stall resul
Secondary Stall
To demonstrate and recover from a stall occurring a