Mandatory - Health and Safety Flashcards
Health and Safety - Extract from Candidate Guide - Aug 2018 (updated Feb 2022)
What is the purpose of a F10 ?
F10 is the code given to the form you need to use to notify the HSE about a construction project. Notifying the HSE about construction work is a legal requirement, but not all construction projects need to be notified, only those that meet the notification thresholds
What are the clients responsibilities under cdm ?
Commercial client
• Make suitable arrangements for managing a project, including making sure:
• other duty holders are appointed as appropriate
• sufficient time and resources are allocated
• Make sure:
• relevant information is prepared and provided to other duty holders
• the principal designer and principal contractor carry out their duties
• welfare facilities are provided
Domestic Clients
• Though in scope of CDM 2015, their client duties are normally transferred to:
• the contractor for single contractor projects
• the principal contractor for projects with more than one contractor
• However, the domestic client can instead choose to have a written agreement with the principal designer to carry out the client duties.
What are the principal contractor responsibilities under cdm ?
- Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase of a project. This includes:
- liaising with the client and principal designer
- preparing the construction phase plan (PDF)
- organizing cooperation between contractors and coordinating their work
- Make sure:
- suitable site inductions are provided
- reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access
- workers are consulted and engaged in securing their health and safety
- welfare facilities are provided
What are the principal designers responsibilities under cdm ?
- Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase of a project. This includes:
- identifying, eliminating or controlling foreseeable risks
- ensuring designers carry out their duties
- Prepare and provide relevant information to other duty holders.
- Liaise with the principal contractor to help in the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of the construction phase.
When is CDM applicable ?
The CDM regulations apply to every construction project. Even construction work that you might not consider to be a project, like maintenance activities. It doesn’t matter how long (or short) the duration of the work is
What is a domestic client ?
A domestic client is any individual who has construction work carried out on their home, or the home of a family member, that is not done as part of any business
What is CDM ?
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, also known as CDM Regulations or CDM 2015, which came into force on 6 April 2015, are regulations governing the way construction projects of all sizes and types are planned in the UK
What are the changes form 2007 - 2015 in CDM ?
- Extending the scope of the regulations to include domestic clients;
- Removing the role of the CDM Co-Ordinator;
- Introducing a new duty holder—the Principal Designer;
- Appointment of principal designer and principal contractor if two or more contractors are on site
- Changing the HSE project notification threshold.
What is pre construction information ?
“Pre-construction Information” is information that is necessary to provide to tendering Principal Contractors as well as to the design team. This is a requirement of CDM.
Who prepares the PCI ?
Principal Designer
What are the contents of a PCI ?
• A description of the project. • Key dates. • Contact details for the project team. • The extent and location of existing information. • Project arrangements: • Planning and managing the construction work. • Communication and liaison. • Security. • Site hoarding. • Site transport. • Permit-to-work systems. • Fire precautions. • Emergency procedures. • Means of escape. • Authorisation requirements. • Confined spaces. • Smoking and parking restrictions. • Safety hazards. • Boundaries and access. • Restrictions on deliveries, waste collection or storage. • Adjacent land uses. • Existing services. • Ground conditions. • Existing structures. • Issues relating to plant and equipment. • Health and safety information in earlier design, construction or ‘as-built’ drawings. • Health hazards. • Asbestos. • Contaminated land. • Client’s activities. • Storage of hazardous materials. • Significant design and construction hazards • Assumptions and working methods. • Arrangements for co-ordination of ongoing design work. • Significant risks identified during design. • Materials requiring particular precautions. •
What is a construction phase plan ?
The construction phase plan (CPP) records arrangements for managing significant health and safety risks associated with the construction of the project and is the basis for communicating those arrangements to those involved in the construction phase. It outlines the health and safety arrangements and site rules taking into account any industrial activities taking place on site, and, where applicable, must include specific measures concerning any work involving the particular risks.
What is a Health and Safety file ?
The health and safety file must be appropriate to the characteristics of the project and include a level of detail proportionate to the risks. It should only include relevant information that will be of help when planning future construction work and must be in a convenient form, clear, concise and easily understandable.
The principal designer prepares the health and safety file during the pre-construction phase. They must then ensure it is appropriately reviewed, updated and revised to take account of the construction works and any changes that have occurred.
What is a risk assessment ?
Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you: Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification). … Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated (risk control)
What is a risk ?
A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm. i.e. probability of occurrence
What is a hazard ?
Something that can cause harm. E.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise etc.…
What are the 5 steps for a risk assessment ? IDERR
The 5 Steps to Risk Assessment Explained
1: Identify the Hazards.
2: Decide Who Might Be Harmed and How.
3: Evaluate the Risks and Take Action to Prevent Them.
4: Record Your Findings.
5: Review the Risk Assessment.
What are the general principles of CDM ?
Avoid risks where possible, Evaluate those risks that cannot be avoided, put in place measures that control them at source.
What is a notifiable project / criteria ? (3+2=5)
When a project lasts longer than 30 days & has more than 20 workers at the same time OR exceeds 500 person days.
Who is responsible ?
The client
What regulations do you need to comply with when undertaking, civil engineering or engineering construction wok ?
CDM regulations 2015
What regulations relate to health and safety of construction workers ?
Construction(design and Management) regulations 2015
Who must notify HSE re CDM notifiable project ?
If the client is a commercial client, then they must notify HSE, domestic client – notification must be carried out by the: contractor (or principal contractor if there is more than one contractor), principal designer where there is a written agreement that they will carry out the client’s duties