Managing New Venture Growth Final Flashcards
Process that involves determining and communicating to employees how they are performing in their jobs and establishing a plan for improvement.
Performance Appraisal
To be effective, a performance appraisal must be…
- Supported by documentation
- Fair
Appraisal performance formula
Ability x Effort = Performance
An employees skill set
The amount of energy expended
The degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an employee’s job.
Average production or work
Tasks performed by all employees are approximately the same
When tasks performed by all employees are basically the same, it would be time consuming to use the group average
Performance of specially selected employees
Jobs that involve repetitive tasks (assembly line)
Time Study
Non-cyclical types of work in which many different tasks are performed and there is no set pattern or cycle
Work sampling
Used only when none of the direct methods apply
Expert Opinion
Requires a manager to describe an employee’s performance in written narrative form
Essay Appraisal
Requires the manager to keep a written record of incidents as they occur, involving both satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance
Critical Incident
Manager assesses an employee on factors such as quantity of work, dependability, job knowledge, attendance, accuracy of work, etc. These subjects are measured on a numerical range.
Graphic Rating Scale
Requires a manager to answer yes or no to a series of questions
concerning the employee’s behavior
Requires a manager to rank a set of statements describing how an employee carries out the duties and responsibilities of the job.
Forced Choice Rating
Manager is given a list of several employees, then he selects the most valuable and the least valuable and continues this until all employees have been evaluated.
Alternation rating
A list of employees is written on the left side of a sheet of paper. The first employee is compared to all other employees on a given criterion with a check mark being given to the one considered the stronger performer. This is continued until all employees have been compared to all
other employees.
Paired Comparison
Assumes the performance levels of employees is a bell curve, forces a manager to place a certain percentage of employees into
performance levels
Forced Distribution
Potential Errors in performance appraisals
- Leniency
- Central Tendency
- Recency
- Halo Effect
Grouping all the ratings at the positive end of the scale
Performance evaluations are based on work performed most recently, generally one or two months before the evaluation
Tendency of voters to rate most employees as doing average work.
Central Tendency
Manager allows a single prominent characteristic of an employee to influence performance appraisals
Halo Effect
Do’s of performance appraisals
- Base on job performance only
- Use only rating scales relevant to the job itself
- Sincerely work at the appraisal interview process
- Be problem solving oriented
It’s important to emphasize ________ instead of ____________
Work behavior instead of personal traits
Ensure that the employees are allowed to give___________ during the
Ensure that appraisals are ________, ___________, and ____________.
Written, documented, and retained
Rewards internal to the employee, normally derived from involvement in work activities
Intrinsic rewards
Tangible rewards, controlled and distributed by the organization
Extrinsic Rewards
Sense of achievement, informal recognition, status, job satisfaction, personal satisfaction
Intrinsic rewards
Formal recognition, fringe benefits, incentive payments, base
wages, promotion
Extrinsic Rewards
Rewards related to performance
Rewards received bc of employment with organization
Extrinsic rewards offered by the organization consisting of base wage or salary, any incentive or bonus, and any benefit employee receives in exchange for their work
Two aspects of an operating system
- Design
- Control
Physical layout of the operation
The monitoring of the system on an ongoing basis, this is to ensure quality and manage inventory
Direct costs of a product
Labor and materials
Direct costs are always ________
Variable costs
As the number of products produced increases, the __________ increases
The direct costs increase
Expenses that change in proportion to the level of production or service (training of new employees, travel)
Overhead Expenses (Variable)
Expenses that do not change with the level of production (management of salaries, marketing expense, R&D expense, rent)
Overhead Expenses (fixed)
The degree of excellence specified in the design stage