Management of the patient with HIV and AIDs Flashcards
How prevalent is HIV in the UK?
- 91,500 people living with HIV in the UK (2010)
- > 36 million living with HIV worldwide
- 22 million deaths from HIV since 1981
Describe the typical progression of HIV infection WRT viral load and CD4.
- Acute phase; asymptomatic or flu-like symptoms (Weeks 0-12), CD4 (white cells) fighting HIV infection; clearing viral load to 10^3 odd, CD4 count recovers slightly
- Chronic phase; breakdown of immune system from HIV replication within it, viral load creeps up over time as immune system starts to break down - generally symptomatic, but then eventually develop AIDs syndrome
- AIDs; lose a lot of weight, tired, fevers; if CD4 below 200 cells per micro litre, can present with various AIDs defining illnesses:
• PCP (pneumonia)
• Cytomegalovirus
• Toxoplasmosis
»> Infections that present in the immunocompromised
How many people with HIV present at the AIDs stage?
- 30% of first-time HIV people present with a CD4 count below 200 cells per micro litre
- Already at AIDs stage (advanced, not asymptomatic any more)
What is the aim of HAART therapy?
- Undetectable viral load (in the blood etc)
- To slow down the progression line (chronic phase) into the full-blown AIDs syndrome
What is the treatment timeline for HIV?
- Lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ARV/T) aka HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) or CART (combination antiretroviral therapy)
»> No cure of preventive vaccine; aim is to prolong life and improve QoL (keep CD4 count up by keeping viral load down)
How is life expectancy affected if first diagnosed at 20 years of age? What is this similar to?
- At least 2/3 of normal life expectancy, with it not being uncommon to live to full life expectancy (w/ARV/HAART/CART)
- Same scenario as being diagnosed with T2DM at the same age
- ‘Chronic illness’
What are the HAART treatment objectives?
- Suppress viral load to undetectable (< 50 copies/ml)
- Increase CD4 count (surrogate marker for immune system function)
- Prevent opportunistic infections and progression to AIDs (vigilance)
»> Saw opportunistic first in the 90s (diagnosing factor); but much rarer now
What are the different types of ARV (antiretroviral therapy) availible?
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (13):
• Nucleoside analogues:
- Zidovudine (AZT, ZDV)
- Didanosine (ddI)
• Nucleotide analogues:
- Tenofovir (TFV)
• Non-nucleotide analogues:
- Nevirapine (NVP)
- Etravirine (ETV)
Integrase Inhibitors:
- Raltegravir (RAL)
- Elvitegravir
Fusion inhibitor:
- Fuzeon
Entry inhibitors (CCR5): - Fuzeon (T20)
Protease inhibitors (10):
- Saquinavir (SQV)
- Darunavir (DRV)
What are the factors to consider WRT choosing first-line HAART therapy?
- Patient’s willingness to commit to therapy (denial? compliance?)
- Baseline resistance (10-11% in treatment naive patients in UK; HIV is already resistant to one or more medicines availible)
- Efficacy data
- Tolerability
- Convenience
- Efficacy data
- Tolerability (S/Es)
- Convenience
- Commodities (drugs safe in DM/heart disease/CKD etc?)
- Consequences of failure (resistance; designing regimen)
What is the first-line HAART for treatment-naive, non-resistant standard HIV patient?
BHIVA 2013 preferred:
- 2 NRTIs + efavirenz
• Tenofovir + Emtricitabine (one nucleoside, one nucleotide)
• Abacavir + Lamivudine (older regimen)
»> Both + Efavirenz (non-nucleotide)
»> 3 drugs w/different mechanisms of action
If patient cannot take Efavirenz as part of first line HAART, what are they given instead to initiate HAART?
BHIVA 2013 alternative:
- 2 NRTIS + ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (e.g. lopinavir + ritonavir, saquinavir + ritonavir)
NRTI Example:
• Didanosine + Lamivudine (+ the above PI + ritonavir)
If a patient presents with a low CD4 count, what third antiretroviral is used in HAART instead of efavirenz?
If a patient has cardiac disease, what are they given instead of the protease inhibitors of BHIVA 2013 Alternative HAART, and why?
- Atazanavir (newer protease inhibitor)
- Lots of antiretrovirals can cause water retention and arrhythmias; bad for heart disease
How does when HAART first-line therapy is initiated affect 5-year survival?
- Initiate with a CD4 count of > 200 cells/mm^3
- If starting HAART < 200 cells/mm^3 CD4, risk of death/progression to AIDs is 12%; DOUBLE that of if starting between 351-500 cells (6%)
- 201-350 cells CD4 = 7% risk at 5 years
What are the reasons for delayed vs earlier initiation of HAART therapy?
For delayed:
- Drug toxicity
- Preservation of limited Rx options (later before you develop resistance)
- Cost
For earlier:
- Potency, durability, simplicity and safety of current regimens (compared to OG antiretrovirals)
- Improves formulations and PK (don’t have to take drugs five times a day for example)
- New classes of drugs
- Excess morbidity/mortality at lower CD4 (risk of death doubles)
- Public health; if patient does not get treated down to an undetectable viral load, they are much more likely to transmit the infection