Management Of Staff In Small Business - Chp 6 Flashcards
Employment cycle
Comprised of three main phases: establishing, maintaining, and terminating. Covering all stages of having a staff within the business.
What dynamics cause business staffing needs to change?
The business expands
Existing employees resign or retire or become promoted
Establishment phase
Refers to the initial process of employing staff. From initial panning through to recruitment and finally selection.
Maintenance phases
Refers to the activities undertaken to make sure the employee is continually thriving in the organisation.
What are the stages of the establishment phase
- staff planning
- job analysis and job design
- selection
- employment arrangement
What are the stages of the maintenance phase
- induction
- training and development
- recognition and reward
- performance management
Termination phase
Eventual termination of an employee is inevitable and must be done so accordingly with the use it ethics.
What are the stages of the termination phase
- termination management
- voluntary termination and involuntary termination
- entitlements
- transition
Staff planning
The development of strategies to meet the businesses future human resource needs
What does lack of employee planning do?
It increases the risk of hiring an unsuitable employee, leading to enormous problems for the business.
Job analysis
A systematic study of each employees duties, tasks and work environment.
What are the two consisting parts of a job analysis?
A job description and job specification.
A job analysis has the task of ?
The investigating the duties to be performed by a prospective employee, as well as determining the knowledge and skills needed to perfume those duties
Job statement
A written statement describing he employees duties, task and responsibilities associated with the job.
Job specification
A list of the key qualifications needed to perform a particular job in terms of education, skills and experience
Human resource management
The effective management of formal relationship between the employer and employees. Involves all aspects of the employment cycle