Management of Leave Flashcards
What happens when an employee cannot produce a medical certificate for any occasion of sick leave that requires it?
The employee must sign for annual leave or leave
without pa,y if no annual leave credit is available.
By when must the unused annual leave at the end of the leave cycle be used?
30 June of the next leave cycle
When is a medical certificate compulsory?
- For sick leave of more than 2 continuous days.
- For all applications for temporary or permanent incapacity leave (PILIR).
- Where a pattern of sick leave abuse has been established, consultation has taken place and the employee has been informed in writing, the Line Manager may request a medical certificate for periods of less than 3 continuous days’ sick leave.
- For the third absence (and more) in an 8-week period (8-week rule).
By when must staff inform the line manager when overcome by sudden illness/injury?
personally within 2 hours of the start of the first working day on
which the employee is absent.
What must the line managers do regarding the annual leave cycle?
Line Managers must plan ahead.
Before the beginning of a leave cycle, they must prepare a “year planner” to ensure that employees take all their available leave in the annual leave cycle
without affecting operational requirements.
Can an employee take leave in his/her last month?
Yes, only if such a request is initiated by the employee.
Is an employee entitled to temporary PILIR?
No, temporary incapacity leave is not an entitlement.
How many working days of sick leave are full-time/part-time permanent employees entitle to?
36 working days’ sick leave with full pay in a 3-year cycle.
What information is required on the medical certificate?
- Name (initial and surname), address and qualification of the Health Practitioner in block letters,
- Registration number or practice number of the Health Practitioner,
- Name of the patient (employee),
- Date and time of the examination,
- Whether the diagnosis was based on personal observation by the Health Practitioner, or on information received from the patient and which is acceptable on medical grounds,
- A description in lay person’s language of the diagnosis, if the patient consented that this information may be revealed,
- Whether the patient is totally indisposed or able to undertake less strenuous duties,
- The exact period of recommended sick leave,
- Date of issue of the certificate,
- If the certificate is pre-printed, details not belonging to the patient must be deleted by the Health Practitioner.
What rule must Line Managers apply when recommending
unauthorised leave without pay?
the audi alteram partem rule
Who assesses and then approves/declines the PILIR application?
The application is assessed by an independent Health Risk
Manager, and then either approved or declined based on the
recommendation of the Health Risk Manager.
What must accompany the Z1(a) leave form in cases of leave without pay?
Written notice of the intention to grant leave without pay, and the employee’s
response to it.
What happens to annual leave from a previous cycle that is not used by 30 June of the next leave cycle?
Annual leave shall be forfeited.
Under what conditions may annual leave be converted to sick leave?
- The employee requests the conversion in writing,
- The written request is accompanied by a new leave form that indicates the amended leave dates,
- The request is accompanied by a medical certificate, and the request is approved.
What does PILIR stand for?
Procedure on Incapacity Leave and Ill-Health Retirement
Under what circumstances may an employee request that annual leave from the previous cycle that remains unused by 30 June be paid out to him/her?
- The leave was refused in writing due to operational requirements,
- The leave could not be rescheduled,
- The request for payment is made by no later than 31 July,
- The request is in writing,
- The request is accompanied by written details regarding the refusal of leave and the disapproved Z1(a) leave application form.
Can an employee take his/her full leave entitlement at any time during the leave cycle?
Yes, dependant on operational requirements.