Management of 3rd Molar Flashcards
What is an impacted tooth?
An impacted tooth is one which is prevented from reaching the normal position by the presence of other structures - usually adjacent tooth, but may include ascending ramus or overlying soft tissues
How many wisdom teeth are extracted surgically annually?
What problems are associated with 3rd molars?
Abnormal position - cheek biting 8/8
Caries, pulp and periapical pathology in the 2nd and 3rd molars
Periodontal problems
Resorption - internal and external for 7/7
Cyst formation
Difficulty with OH and food packing
Crowding of lower incisors? - not true
Often involved in line of mandibular fractures
In the way of orthognathic surgery
Potential risk in future for vulnerable and medically compromised pts (blood supply poorer, atrophic mandible)
Can wisdom teeth make your lower incisors crowded?
What is pericoronitis?
Inflam in soft tissues around the crown of a partially erupted tooth
Caused by bac infec and/or trauma
What is the most common reason for extraction of 8s?
Most commonly cited reason for extraction of 8s is pericoronitis
Pericoronitis symptoms?
Soft tissue swelling in the region of the partially erupted tooth
Difficulty eating, swallowing or opening mouth
Tenderness on closing if opposing tooth in contact with inflamed soft tissues
Unpleasant taste or smell
Unwell - pyrexia
May be a recurring problem
Signs of pericoronitis?
Inflammation in soft tissues around crown of partially erupted tooth • Localised intra-oral swelling • Evidence of trauma from opposing tooth? • Pus +/- • Local lymphadenopathy +/- • Facial swelling +/-
Management of pericoronitis?
Local measures:
• Irrigation beneath gum flap with:
• Saline, Chlorhexidine mouthwash.
• Remove upper 8 if traumatic occlusion
• Advise HSMW / Chlorhexidine and analgesics
» +/-
• Antibiotics if spreading infection or medically compromised (steroids etc)
• Usually Metronidazole, 200mg t.d.s (as targets anaerobic bacteria)
• Drain pus if present
• Formal review ?
Management of pericoronitis at review?
Assess outcome of tx and manage appropriately
Assess 3rd molars
- Likely to erupt and be functional - monitor
- Unlikely to erupt - if problematic - consider removal, if not then leave and monitor
- Persistent, recurrent or severe problems - consider removal
What are the NICE guidelines on the removal of wisdom teeth?
Routine practice of prophylactic removal of pathology-free impacted 3rd molars should be discontinued in the NHS
Removal - limited to pts with evidence of pathology
Surgical removal limited to pts with evidence of pathology
Plaque formation is a risk factor but is not in itself an indication for surgery
History and justification documented
NICE guidelines for pericoronitis?
The degree to which the severity or recurrence rate of pericoronitis should influence the decision for surgical removal remains unclear
1st episode not an indication for surgery
2nd or subsequent episodes should be considered appropriate indications for surgery
Rationale for NICE guidelines?
Save 5 million a yr if prophylactic removal of 3rd molars discontinued
Pts on waiting list reduced
Not ethical to expose pts to unnecessary procedures
Justification for prophylactic removal?
Prevent crowding
Reduce complications in older individuals
Better able to cope when young (more complications when older and more difficult as denser bone)
If a GA then do all at once
What did a cochrane review find in clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness in extraction and removal of 8s?
No difference in clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness between removal and retention
= No evidence to support or refute the benefits of prophylactic 3rd molar removal other than the prevention of late lower incisor crowding
Summary - 8 extraction?
Appears to be cost effective in short-medium term to leave in-situ
Prophylactic removal of 8s with subsequent nerve damage would be deemed negligent
Radiographic assessment prior to removal of 8s?
Diagnosis Type of impaction Depth of tooth within bone Crown form Root form and number Coronal or root pathology Other pathology (cyst, caries in 2nd molar) Relationship with mandibular canal (IAN)
Entire tooth Adjacent 2nd molar Surrounding bone ID canal Lower border Root number, orientation and pathology Crown size, shape and pathology
Usually sectional OPT as easier than PA to get all the surrounding structures in it
What are the types of impaction?
Vertical - easiest to extract, risk of pericoronitis
Mesio-angular - more difficult, risk of food packing and caries in 2nd molar
Horizontal - even more difficult, risk of food packing and caries in 7
Disto-angular - very difficult, risk of pericoronitis
Transverse - tricky
What to consider with the diagnosis?
Is the 3rd molar the cause of the problem?
Does the pt need immediate care? e.g. dressing
Should extraction be considered?
What are risks and benefits of tx options?
Root pattern for lower 3rd molars?
Fused and conical - easiest Straight and separate
Pincer shaped - needs division
Pathology in lower 8s?
Caries and periapical infec
Detigerous cyst - risk of fracture
External resorption with 2ndry osteomyelitis
Tx options?
Operculectomy = remove gum flap over the back (rarely done as it grows back)
Coronectomy = remove crown and leave roots e.g. when high risk tooth for IDN damage
IDN proximity - lower 8s?
Ideal - roots clear of canal
Increased risk - canal cortication visible
Canal narrowed = root is constricting the nerve
Canal deviated around the root
Superior cortical boundary not visible = cannot see 2 white lines = nerve is right next to tooth
Dark band across roots = high risk
When you see IDN risk factors - what should you do?
CBCT scan = show where nerve is
Management options?
LA and sedation
GA (day case)
GA (in pt)
Technique for coronectomy?
Raise buccal flap
Cut crown at 45 degrees to crown, passing completely through (minimises risk of mobilising roots) - dangerous
Use fissure bur to reduce root to 3mm below alveolar crest
Periosteal release and primary closure
When to do coronectomy?
Close to IAN
No evidence of active infection, tooth mobility
Avoid horizontal/severe mesioangular - increased risk of IAN damage during sectioning
Coronectomy evidence?
Evidence unclear
• Increasingly utilised with high risk cases
• Appears to be a valid techique for reducing risk of
IAN damage
• Patient must be warned of potential for second
procedure to remove root
• Mobility of roots appears to be predominant factor
for success
• Not indicated for co-morbidity patients e.g
chemotherapy, diabetes, immunosupressed,
MUST INFORM PT THAT CORONECTOMY EXISTS WHEN TOOTH IS HIGH RISK FOR IAN INJURY - surgically removed, leave it or coronectomy options for pt