Management Flashcards
Name the strategies for reducing resistance to change
- Providing feedback to employees.
- offer support to employees.
- build trust among employees.
- Make changes reasonable.
- Specify the nature of change.
- Allow employees to participate in change.
- List Pros and Cons of change.
- Discuss the upcoming change.
- Avoid threatening employees.
- Support change with training.
- Maintain a reasonable timeframe for the change.
- Inform employees about why you are changing
- Communicate up and down.
How many years is strategic planning?
3 – 10 Years
How many years is tactical planning?
1 – 2 Years
How many years is operational planning?
Short term. Can be day to day, week to week or month to month
What does the ‘planning’ section of POLC involve?
Vision, Goals, Strategizing to achieve goals
What does the ‘organisation’ section of POLC involve?
Organisational design of HR, Marketing, Operations and Finance
What does the ‘leading’ section of POLC involve?
Leading the business to complete the goals through motivation and inspiration
What does the ‘controlling’ section of POLC involve?
Correcting weak points and flaws in the plans and learning from mistakes.
Name the reasons employees may resist change
- Poor management
- Fear of job loss
- Disruption to routine
- Lack of time
- Fear of the unknown
- Inertia (unenthusiastic about change)
- Costly for businesses change
Why can making the employee feel valued by the business be beneficial to the productivity of the business?
A valued employee will feel happy at work and will be more productive, as they will want to give back to the business by working harder. A valued employee is also less likely to resist change, can be a driving force for change.
What are the things a bureaucracy should have? (Classical—Scientific Approach)
- A strict hierarchical organisation structure
- Clear lines of communication and responsibility
- Jobs broken down into simple tasks (specialisation)
- Strict rules and procedures
What is the role of planning in classical-scientific management? (Autocratic)
- Planning creates the goals and objectives of the business. “Planning is the preparation of a pre-determined course of action for a business”
What are the three types of planning?
- Strategic
- Tactical
- Operational
What is the role of organising in classical-scientific management? (Autocratic)
“Organising is where management puts into practice the goals determined in planning”
Organising determines what should be done to achieve the goals and how to do it
What are the three steps in the organisational process?
- Determining work activities
- Classifying and grouping activities
- Assigning work and delegating authority
What are the three steps of the controlling in classical-scientific management? (Autocratic)
- Establish standards in line with the goals of the firm
- Measure performance and determine what the benchmark is
- take corrective action by changing processes and/or employees
Name all 3 methods of control in order of effectiveness. (Ascending)
- Quality Control
- Quality Assurance
- Total Quality Management
Name the characteristics of the management hierarchy
- Rigid lines of communications
- Numerous levels of management and responsibility
- Distinguishable positions and roles
- Linear flow of information, generally top to bottom
- Specialisation of labour
- Chain of command showing is who is responsible for who
What is the management hierarchy?
The arrangement that provides increasing authority at higher levels
When is the Autocratic leadership style best used?
- When there is a close approaching deadline to meet
- During a time of crisis for the company
- When employees lack knowledge and skill
What does the manager of the Autocratic leadership style do?
He manages all the decisions, controls the execution of work, limits the knowledge of employees and frequently checks employee performance
Do employees get the opportunity to provide input in an Autocratic leadership style
No, in an Autocratic leadership style, the manager gets all say, and the employee must obey.
What are the advantages of the Autocratic behaviour system?
- Directions and procedures are clearly defined. This reduces the change of uncertainty when doing a task.
- The expectations of employees are set, making it easier for the business to benchmark and analyse employee performance
- Outcomes almost always match the objectives and goals of the business
- Control is centralised at the top, meaning decision-making is very efficient and prompt.
What are the disadvantages of the Autocratic management system?
- There is no employee input allowed, meaning that ideas aren’t encouraged or shared. This means employees don’t get opportunities to develop interpersonal skills and feel devalued by the business as they feel as they have no contribution to the business.
- Employee motivation and morale is ignored, and no responsibility is given to employees. This reduces job satisfaction and can increase absenteeism levels and workplace accidents.
- An ‘Us and Them’ mentality may develop in the business, creating a gap between employees and managers. This can severely damage workplace culture.
What are the main features of the behavioural approach to management?
- Employees are the most important resource
- The economic and social needs of the employees should be satisfied
- Employees should participate in decision-making
- Team based structuring of business
- Managers require good interpersonal skills
- Democratic leadership style
What are the two main things, a leader that uses a behavioural approach should have?
- Ability to empathise with staff
- Good listening skills
What are the main points of management as leading?
- Keeping an open mind
- Building and communicating a clear vision
- Delegating tasks to suitable employees
- Understanding of the technical aspects of the industry
- Setting a good example for employees to follow
What is the main reason between the performance gap between two employees?
Their motivation
What are some methods of motivating employees?
- Respecting the employee
- Positive re-enforcement
- Empowering employee
- Enhancing employee’s self-esteem
- Getting employees to participate in activities
- Rewarding a good team performance
- Encouraging employees
- Trusting employees
Why is communication so important?
Communication can directly correlate an increase of performance from the business and individuals
What do managers in teams have to do that autocratic managers don’t?
Negotiate with others and listen to input
How are teams causing the traditional hierarchy to become flatter?
Teams are making hierarchies flatter as functions and people mix together, causing some ranks being not required.
Do managers following the classical approach use the behavioural approach?
No, classical approach managers tend to follow the autocratic approach
What are the advantages of the democratic approach to management?
- Communication is two ways instead of one
- Employee/Employer relations are positive and stronger, reducing the likelihood of resistance to change
- The motivation and job satisfaction of employees is much higher, as employees feel as if they have contributed to the business in some way. This also can reduce resistance to change
- Employees have more opportunities to develop interpersonal skills
- Teamwork and interactions with others is encouraged, which can allow employees to bond with each other much easier, increasing productivity
What are the advantages of the democratic approach to management?
- Communication is two ways instead of one
- Employee/Employer relations are positive and stronger, reducing the likelihood of resistance to change
- The motivation and job satisfaction of employees is much higher, as employees feel as if they have contributed to the business in some way. This also can reduce resistance to change
- Employees have more opportunities to develop interpersonal skills
- Teamwork and interactions with others is encouraged, which can allow employees to bond with each other much easier, increasing productivity