Mammography - Physics Flashcards
What are the equipment features of a Mammography unit?
- Angled tube head
- C-arm design
- Fixed focus - detector distance (FDD)
- Compression Device
- Fixed Field Size
- Grids
- X-Ray Tube
What is the Optimal FDD of a Mammography unit?
65 - 66cm
What is the standard compression force of the compression device?
100N - 150N
What is the maximum compression force of the compression device?
What type of examination is done in Mammography?
Breast Only
When do we use Grids?
Typical Mammography except for Magnification where air gap is adopted.
What are the types of AEC for mammography unit?
SFM - Photo-timer, placed behind the casette
DM - Detector acts as the AEC.
What are the features of a Mammography X-Ray tube?
- Metal tube housing
- Grounded Mo, Rh anode
- Anode angle with tube tiled to 24 degrees to minimize Anode Heel effect
- Vertical Axis of rotation
- Mo or Rh filters for spectral shaping
Why is single track X-Ray Tube preferred?
Single track tube can deliver high current exposure needed for the largest breasts at an acceptable exposure time - reducing motion artifact.
What is operating voltage for cathode and filament circuit?
24 - 40 kVp
What is the focal spot size for Mammography?
0.1mm for Magnification Mammography
What is the purpose of having a small focal spot in Mammography?
- Minimize geometric blurring
- Maintains spatial resolution
Why is low kVp preferred in Mammography?
- To minimize Compton Scattering
- Maximise Photoelectric effect
- Enhance differential absorption by various breast tissue
- Reduce radiation dose to breast as Glandular tissues are highly radiosensitive
What is the material of the X-Ray tube window?
What is the target-filter & kVp range recommended for fatty breast tissue of up to 4cm thickness?
24 - 26 kVp