Mammals Flashcards
What skull fenestration do mammals have?
Synapsid; 1 lateral temporal opening.
What is adaptive radiation?
Increase in species from a single stem group.
Where was the most radiation present in the evolutionary steps towards mammals?
Placental Eutherians.
What is common of the order Monotremata?
Lay eggs, have no nipples, suck milk from fur of mother e.g. Platypuses
What is common of the order Marsupialia?
Embryonic development completed in pouch e.g. Kangaroos, Koalas.
What is common of the order Proboscidea?
Long muscular trunk, thick/loose skin, upper incisors elongated as tusks e.g. Elephants
What is common of the order Sirenia?
Aquatic herbivores, finlike forelimbs, no hind-limbs. e.g. Manatee.
What is common of the order Edentata?
Have reduced/or no teeth e.g. Sloths, anteaters, armadillos.
What is common of the order Rodentia?
Continuously rowing incision teeth e.g. Squirrels, beavers, rats
What is common of the order Lagomorpha?
Chisel-like incisors, hind legs longer adapted for running/jumping e.g. Rabbits
What is common of the order Primates?
Opposable thumb, forward facing eyes, well developed cerebral cortex, omnivorous e.g. Monkeys, apes, humans
What is common of the order Carnivora?
Sharp pointed canine teeth and molars for shearing e.g. Dogs, bears, cats, seals, otters
What is common of the order Artiodactyls?
Hooves, even number of toes, herbivorous e.g. Sheep, pigs, cattle, deer
What is common of the order Cetaceans?
Marine forms, paddle like forelimbs, thick layer of insulating blubber e.g. whales, dolphins, porpoises.
What is common of the order Perissodactyla?
Hooves, odd number of toes e.g. Horses, zebra, rhino
What is common of the order Chiroptera?
Flying, skin fold extends from elongated fingers to body and legs e.g. Bats.
What is common of the order Insectivora?
Insect-eating mammals e.g. Moles, shrews.
What did mammals development coincide with?
The initial radiation of angiosperms (seeds - starch, sugars, oil, proteins = nutrition).
What are the three groupings of mammals?
Monotremes (egg laying), Marsupials (pouched) and Eutherians (Placental)
What other characteristics do mammals possess?
Hair, distinctive teeth, sweat glands, mammary glands, 4 chambered heart.