Mammals Flashcards
What is the average lifespan of a rabbit?
6-8 years
When do rabbits reach sexual maturity?
Males @ 4-7 months
Females @ 4-9 months
Dwarf rabbits mature earlier
How long is a rabbits gestation, what are their young called and how many can be expected to be born?`
30-33 days with 6-12 kits/kittens born
How often to rabbits nurse their young?
Often just once daily for several minutes
How can you differentiate between sexes of rabbits?
A female has a diamond or V shaped vulvar orifice while the male has a circular preputial orifice
What can be done to reduce injection site reactions when vaccinating against calicivirus in rabbits?
Swap a new needle onto the syringe after drawing up but before injection. Inject into the subcutaneous and massage well afterwards
What are the clinical signs and post mortem findings of calicivirus?
Sudden death
Haemorrhage - nose, in lungs etc
Pale, enlarged, mottled
What is the incubation time of Calicivirus?`
3-4 days
What is the main clinical feature of myxomatosis infection in rabbits and what is the prognosis of this disease?
Generalised swelling including ears, eyelids, mouth and genital region. Is invariably fatal.
Why do we reccomend speying rabbits?
To prevent uterine adenocarcinomas, which is extremely common
Discuss dietary requirements of rabbits.
High fibre (>20%) Moderate protein (~15%) Low fat Must have an abrasive action on teeth Unlimited hay with varied vegetables (esp leafy greens) given is a complete diet. May give a small amount of high quality pellets eg Oxbow. Fruit may be given as a treat. Avoid mixes, cereals, grains, seeds and bread.
What are caecotrophs?
First pass faeces of rabbits which they re-eat.
Contrast ileus and bloat in rabbits. Touch on clinical signs, cause, treatment and prognosis.
Ileus may be subacute to chronic, the animal is often alert and responsive with a doughy feel to the caecum and stomach. The abdomen is not guarded. Stress and diet may predispose. Is common and treated with medical management - good prognosis.
Bloat is peracute and the animal is often very sick with a painful abdomen and a bloated stomach. Cause is intestinal obstruction. Is unusual/rate, treatment is surgical and prognosis is guarded/very poor
What is the main external parasite of rabbits causing skin disease and how may you treat?
Cheyletiella parasitovorax, selamectin
What is the ear mite of rabbits and how may you treat?
Psoroptes cuniculi, selamectin
Do not use ear drops
What are the two main differentials for a head tilt in a rabbit?
Encephalitozoon cuniculi or a middle/inner ear infection
How much should a guinea pig weigh?
When do guinea pigs reach sexual maturity?
Males @ 3-4 months
Females @ 2-3 months
What is the gestation length of a guinea pig, what are their young called and how many are expected to be born on average?
59-72 days, with normally 2-4 pups being born
If you wish to breed with a female guinea pig, what age would be advised and why?
Before one year so the pelvic symphysis can separate more easily
What is the average lifespan on a guinea pig?
5-6 years
How may you treat a case of pododermatitis in a guinea pig?
Flamazine ointment, chlorhexidine scrub and bandaging.
What are some clinical signs associated with Vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs?
Poor appetite, swollen painful joints and dry, brittle skin/coat.
Why is speying of female guinea pigs recommended?
To prevent cystic ovaries
What may cause urethral stones in a guinea pig?
Mineral block supplements
How may you differentiate between sexes of guinea pigs?
Females have a Y shaped genital opening while males have more of an i shape.
How may you differential between sexes of mice and rats?
Males have a much larger distance between the genital opening and the anus
What weights are expected of a mature mouse and rat?
Mouse - 20-60 g
Rat - 200-500 g