Mammal Facts Flashcards
N.American River Otter
Lontra canadensis
13 years wild
25 years captivity
1 - 6 pups
Usually solitary, can live in family groups
Twin Brothers 15 years old
Eurasian Otter
Lutra lutra
Up to 15 years
2-3 pups
Solitary - Female raises Cubs alone
Asian Short Clawed Otter
Aonyx cinereus
Up to 21 years
7 pups twice a year
Live in family groups with monogamous breeding pair or single sex groups
Giant Otters
Pteroneura brasiliensus
8 years in Wild
17 in captivity
1-2 young
Live in family groups
Twin brothers age 6
European Ferret
Mustella putorious furo
Up to 10 years
4-12 young
Small groups but like separate spaces
Harvest Mice
Micromys minutus
18 months
1-7 young
Mostly solitary
European Hedgehog
Erinaceus europaeus
10 years
4-6 Hoglets
European Badger
Meles meles
Up to 15 years captivity
Upto 6 years in the wild
1-5 Cubs in a litter (3 avg)
Egg implantation can be delayed for up to 9 months
Family groups of 5-20
Red Fox
Vulpes vulpes
Up to 10-12 years
Most juveniles live about 1.5 years, 90% die before 4 years
Usually 4-6 pups
Solitary but mated pairs raise pups together
1 female - yearling
European Polecat
Mustela putorious putorious
5 years in the wild
8-10 in captivity
Up to 12 kittens in early summer
Mostly solitary
Eurasian Water Vole
Arvicola amphibius
Up to 3 years
Under 1 year in the wild
4-6 pups 2-4 times a year
Mating season Apr-oct
European Souslik (ground squirrel)
Spermophilus citellus
3-5 years
2-8 young
Solitary but build burrows close together
Reeves Muntjac Deer
Muntiacus reevesi
Up to 19 years
3 kids every 2 years
No fixed breeding season
Solitary but many live in the same area
Red Necked Wallaby
Macropus rufogriseus
12-15 years
1 young at a time
Can be pregnant, joey in pouch and feeding one out of pouch same time
Mostly solitary in the wild but come together to feed
Grey wolf
Canis lupus occidentalis
5-6 years in wild
Up to 15 in captivity
4-6 pups in a litter once a year
Live in packs of 12-15 with a dominant alpha male