Mama and igenous rocks Flashcards
What is a volcano?
vent where molten rock comes out of Earth
how are igneous rocks formed?
by cooling from a melt. they start to crystallize at high temps
what is the difference between magma and lava?
magma = molten rock below ground
lava = molten rock above surface
what is the difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks?
extrusive: quickly cools at the surface
Intrusive: cool underground and much slower
name three elements that are part of the extrusive igneous rock formation
lava flows (streams or mounds of cooled melt)
pyroclastic flow and fall (fragmented magma)
volcanic ash (fine particles of volcanic glass)
where does magma form?
not everywhere. only in special tectonic conditions. partial melting occur in crust and upper mantle
what is melting of magma caused by?
pressure release, volatile addition, heat transfer
what is decompression?
magma ascent that leads to pressure release. at base of crust, T is hot enough to melt rock but due to high P, it doesn’t. if P is decreased (shallower), rock can melt and become magma
what is addition of volatiles?
flux melting. volatiles lower melting T of hot rock. H2O and CO2. subduction carries hydrous minerals into mantle and they break down to release H2O which causes partial melting of overlying mantle.
what is heat transfer melting?
rising magma carries mantle heat with it. raises T in nearby crustal rock which then melts.
what are the 3 components of magma?
solid: solidified mineral crystals
liquid: ions in the melt itself
gas: dissolved gas in magma
why is dry and wet magna>
dry: scarce variables
wet: up to 15% volatiles
what are the 4 major types of magma?
felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic (decreasing silica_
what kinds of magma come from the mantle vs the crust?
mantle: ultra-mafic and mafic
crust: mafic, intermediate, felsic
why does partial melting occur?
rocks rarely melt uniformly, only a portion of the rock melts. it yields a silica rich magma
does si-poor or si-rich melt first?
si-rich minerals melt first
what is assimilation?
the process whereby solid or fluid foreign material is incorporated into magma
what is a xenolith?
a piece of rock trapped in another type of rock. rock embedded in magma while the magma was cooling
what is a pluton?
a large igneous rock body that forms when magma cools and solidifies underground
how does magma move?
it is buoyant, tends to rise upward. can move upward in the crust and may breach the surface VOLCANO. transfers mass from deep to shallow parts of Earth
why does magma rise?
less dense than surrounding rocks. more buoyant thus lifted upward. weight of overlying rock creates pressure and it squeezes magma upward
what is lower viscosity generated by?
low silica
higher T
higher volatile content
More silica means more tetrahedra and they get linked up and become more viscous
how fast does magma cool?
depends on depth. deep magma takes longer to cool than shallow magma. spherical bodies cool slowly, tabular faster.
what is fractional crystallization?
removal of early formed crystals from an originally homogeneous magma (for example, by gravity settling) so that these crystals are prevented from further reaction with the residual mel