Malformations and Developmental Diseases - Basel & Lawlor Flashcards
Speaking in terms of the pathogenic mechanisms behind congenital defects, what might we call a defect due to:
- Intrinsic abnormality?
- Extrinsic force?
- Destructive force?
- Malformation
- Deformation
- Disruption
Give the development timeframe of the each of the following:
- Neurulation (formation of the neural tube)
- Prosencephalic stage (formation of hemispheres, large structures of the brain)
- Neuronal proliferation (full complement of neurons in the brain)
- Neuronal migration (transition from 4-layered cortex to 6-layered cortex)
- Organization (synaptogenesis and apopotosis)
- Myelination
- 3-4 wks
- 2-3 mos
- 3-4 mos
- 3-5 mos
- 5 mos to postnatal years
- Birth to postnatal years
When does neural tube closure occur?
Name a major result of failure of the anterior neuropore to close?
Name a major result of failure of the posterior neuropore to close?
28 days
Spina bifida
Describe the process of sulcation of the brain and the approximate gestiational timeline for this process
Major fissures form at ~5 mos
Secondary sulci form at ~7 mos
Tertiary sulci form at ~9 mos
Describe the pattern of cerebral myelination during development (which parts myelinate first, last?)
Myelination starts around birth and completes around the end of the second year
Posterior frontal lobes, parietal lobes, and parts of the occipital lobe myelinate first
Followed by frontal lobes and temporal lobes
The rest of the cerebrum finishes myelination by the end of the 2nd year
What is (probably) the most common environmental factor in neural tube defect development?
Name some others
What genetic conditions are also associated with neural tube defects?
Folic acid deficiency
Also: maternal diabetes, hyperthermia, alcohol, and valproic acid
Genetic: Trisomies 13 and 18
Give the two general pathogenic processes behind neural tube defects
- Primary: failure of closure of the neural tube
- Secondary: reopening or rupture of closed tube
Among ‘neural tube defects’, name the conditions associated with the following
- primary neural tube closure defects
- primary axial mesodermal defects with herniation of neural tissue
- primary axial mesodermal defects (closed)
- Tail bud defects
- anencephaly, craniorachischisis, myelomeningocele
- Encephalocele, meningocele
- split cord (high)
- spina bifida occulta, split cord (low), hydromyelia
What two substances might be detected in the amniotic fluid that are indicative of neural tube defects?
AFP and acetylcholinesterase
Spina bifida
- Most common location?
- Least severe form?
- Most common (diagnosed) subtype?
- lumbosacral (80-90%)
- spina bifida occulta (usually asymptomatic)
- myelomeningocele (80-90%)
What external findings might be associated with spina bifida occulta?
Patches of hair, lipomas, skin dimpling/discoloration over the site of the defect (usually L5 or S1)
Possible foot and/or gait abnormalities
may be associated with syringomyelia, diastematomyelia, and tethered cord
often completely asymptomatic
Contrast meningocele and myelomeningocele
- cyst lined with meninges and dura
- no spinal cord herniation present
- Not usually associated with neurological defect
- May be associated with GU and rectal issues
- Both meninges and spinal cord herniated through vertebral defect
- Cyst may often rupture open
- Flaccid paralysis, sensory deficit, absent DTRs, GU issues, postural abnormalities of lower extremities
- Often complicated by meningitis, hydrocephalus, and pneumonia
Describe the diagnosis and treatment of meningocele
- Dx
- imaging: x-ray, MRI, CT of head (r/o hydrocephalus)
- Rx
- asymptomatic w/ full-thickness skin: surgery may be delayed
- Thin skin, symptoms, or leaking CSF: immediate surgical repair
What is a Chiari Crisis?
Downward herniation of the medullar and cerebellar tonsils
Complication associated with myelomeningocele
80% of patients with myelomeningocele develop what life-threatening complication?
Describe the symptoms of this process
Hydrocephalus with Type II Chiari Defect
Symptoms of hindbrain dysfunction (difficulty feeding, choking, stridor, apnea, VC paralysis, spasticity, pooling of secretions)
Describe the treatment of myelomeningocele
What is the prognosis?
Surgery: repair and shunting, ortho to correct anatomic abnormalities
Medical: urologic evaluation, regular catheterization, metabolic/blood/renal monitoring
Rehab goal: functional ambulation (sacral or LS lesion)
MR 10-15%. Most deaths occur before age 4. 70% have normal intelligence, but learning problems and seizure disorders are common. Meningitis and ventriculitis complications may adversely affect IQ.
What is the prognosis of anencephaly?
Describe grossly
Death within several days of birth
Large defect of the calvarium with associated failure of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres to form. Primitive brain consists of partial brainstem, eyes, and CN 5-12