Malek Chapter 6 Flashcards
Encouraging someone to commit a crime
Absolute liability offences
offence does not require mens rea and the accused can offer no other defence
accessory after the fact
if he/she knew about the crime and if they assist the criminal afterwards
actus reus
guilty act
Helping someone commit a crime
trying to commit a crime even when you don’t finish it
when two or more people make a plan to commit a crime
Influencing, advising or persuading or reccomending someone to commit a crime
a wrongful act
criminal law
laws that punish and prohibit acts that injure people society and property
criminal negligence
disregard for safety and lives of others
due diligence
taking reasonable precaution to prevent a crime from happening
general intent
the desire to commit the wrongful act without any further purpose or motive
state of mind in which someone desires to carry out a crime
being aware of certain facts that can be used to establish mens rea