Male Reproductive System Flashcards
What is Reproduction?
Reproduction is needed for a species to continue to exist.
What are the male reproductive glands called?
The testes.
Where are the testes found?
They are found outside the body cavity in a pouch called the scrotum.
What part of the male reproductive system is good to make sperm?
The scrotum is the best environment to make sperm because it has a temperature less than 37 degrees.
What are the male reproductive cells called?
The sperm cells.
Where is sperm made?
Sperm is made in the seminiferous tubules in the testes.
Where does the sperm go after it was in the seminiferous tubules?
It travels to the epididymis where it’s stored.
How many vas deferens are there?
There are two deferens, one for each testis.
What happens when sperm is released from the body?
When sperm is released from the body it travels to the vas deferens which is a duct leading away from the testis.
What part of the male reproductive system joins to the urethra?
The vas deferens both join together and enter the urethra.
What is the urethra?
The urethra is a tube which carries both the semen and urine outside the body.
What does sperm needs to fertilize an egg?
Sperm needs nutrients so it can survive long enough to fertilize an egg.
What does semen refer to?
Semen refers to the liquid that contains sperm and nutrients.
What does semen have?
Semen has sugar, enzymes, protein and alkaline (base) solution.
What are the glands that makes the alkaline solution to neutralize acid conditions in the urethra?
Prostate gland and bulbourethral glands make the alkaline solution to neutralize acid conditions in the urethra and female reproductive tract.
What are the male hormones and where are they made?
The testosterone is the male hormones that are made in the testes.
What hormone is needed to make sperms?
Steroid hormone is needed to make sperm.
What hormone controls the development of male characteristics that occur in puberty?
The testosterone.
What is puberty?
Puberty is the period of growth when maturity is reached.
What changes when males reaches puberty?
Facial hair, broader shoulder, muscle development, deeper voice.
There are 3 hormones which control the testosterone production
The hypothalamus makes GnRH, FSH and LH.
Where does the FSH and LH travel to?
These hormones both travels from the anterior pituitary gland through the bloodstream and to the testes.
FSH promotes the production of..
LH promotes the production and secretion of..