Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Located in scrotum (sac below body)
Makes sperm (seminiferous tubules) and testosterone (interstitial cells)
Tightly coiled duct outside each testes
Site of sperm storage and final maturation
Vas Deferens
Tube that carries sperm from epididymis to urethra (curves around bladder and empties into ejaculatory duct)
Transports semen and urine
(Ejaculatory duct makes sure only one leaves at a time)
Erectile tissue containing blood spaced
Arteries relax during arousal letting blood in and veins constrict causing an erection
Seminal Vesicle
Secretes semen w fructose (energy) and prostaglandin (causes contractions in females smooth muscles helping sperm move)
Prostrate Gland
Surround urethra below bladder
Prostatic secretion protected sperm from vaginal acidity
Cowpers Gland
Adds mucus rich fluid into seminal fluid which clears urethra pre-ejaculation, protects against urethra’s acidity and help sperm mobility
Sperm Cell Anatomy
Head-nucleus (outside of head has acrosome and enzymes which help penetrate the egg)
Middle- Mitochondria
- Sperm approach’s egg
- Sperms acrosomal enzymes digest eggs corona radiata (exterior cells) and zona pellucida (jelly coat)
- Proteins on sperms head bind to receptors
- Plasma membrane of egg and sperm fuse
- Sperms nucleus enters eggs cytoplasm and combines w its nucleus =zygote 2n
Occurs in seminiferous tubules. As spermatocytes mature they go from S.tubules to lumen of tubule
- Spermatogonium (2n) undergoes mitosis= 2 spermatocytes (2n)
•Type A spermatocyte is recycled
•Type B undergoes further division - Spermatocyte divides by meiosis 1 into 2 haploid cells
- Each haploid cell undergo meiosis 2= 4 spermatids total, 2 per each previous cell
- Spermatids differentiate into unique sperm cells
Sertoli Cells
Nourishment for maturing spermatids
Process by which semen leaves urethra and penis through rhythmic contraction of vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct, and prostate gland
Semen Composition
Fructose prostaglandin mucus alkaline buffer and sperm cells
Male Development (SRY, TDF, Androgen)
Y c.some has SRY (sex determining region Y)- Codes for DNA binding protein, TDF (Testes determining factor)
TDF- Triggers androgen production=allows development of male sex organs (primary sex characteristic)
Puberty- T.sterone secretion increase=sperm production increases in testes (primary) and development of secondary sex characteristics
Hormone Control
- Beginning of Puberty- Hypothalamus released gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRh)
- GnRH stimulated pituitary gland to release FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone)
3.) FSH stimulates sperm production in seminiferous tubules and LH stimulates t.sterone production in interstitial cells
- Inhibin released by seminiferous tubules to inhibit FSH and LH production *NEGATIVE feedback
Decline in T.sterone levels
Medical Technologies (Erectile Dysfunction Medication and Vasectomies)
EDM- Inhibts enzyme that breaks down erecting causes hormones
Vasectomy- Cutting vas deferens to block sperm movement