Male Reproduction Flashcards
Describe the HPG axis in relation to male reproduction:
- The hypothalamus releases GnRH in a pulsatile manner into the hypophyseal portal blood system
- The GnRH moves to the anterior pituitary where it stimulates the release of LH and FSH into the blood stream
- LH acts on the Leydig cells to stimulate testosterone synthesis and FSH acts on the Sertoli cells to stimulate spermatogenesis and inhibin synthesis
What are the sites of negative feedback in the HPG axis in the Male?
- The main site of negative feedback is the negative feedback from testosterone on the hypothalamus to reduce GnRH secretion
- Inhibin produced by Sertoli cells causes negative feedback at the level of the anterior pituitary to negatively regulate FSH secretion
- Estrogen produced also acts on the hypothalamus but may have a small role in inhibiting the anterior pituitary
What is the effect of castration of FSH and LH levels?
- If castration occurs there is no longer Leydig and Sertoli cells synthesising testosterone and inhibin respectively
- The lack of inhibin production by Sertoli cells causes an immediate increase in FSH secretion as it directly acts on the anterior pituitary (there is a reduction in negative feedback)
- The lack of testosterone means less negative feedback at the level of the hypothalamus which causes greater secretion of GnRH and subsequently greater levels of LH secretion. This is a slightly slower response as it involves the hypothalamus, then the pituitary.
Describe Primary and Secondary Failure of the HPG Axis in Males:
- Primary Failure: Also called hypergonadotropic hypogonadism means the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland are functioning normally but there is an issue in the gonads resulting in a lack of testosterone production. This is characterised by increased gonadotropin (LH and FSH) levels.
- Secondary Failure: Also called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is due to the hypothalamus and/or pituitary secreting extremely low levels of GnRH and/or LH and FSH. This means the testes do not recieve adequate hormonal stimulation. This is characterised by very low levels of the gonadotropins (LH and FSH) and can be corrected with GnRH/gonadotropin treatment.
Describe the path of the sperm through the male reproductive tract:
- Sperm are produced in the seminferous tubules
- Sperm move from the tubules into the mediastinum rete testes and are then forced into the head of the epididymis by the contraction of the smooth muscle in the tunica albuginea
- Within the epididymis the sperm mature and are stored in the tail of the epididymis
- During ejaculation sperm move from the epididymis into the Vas deferens where they mix with constituents of semen and are then ejaculated via the urethra
Describe how testicular descent occurs during embyronic development:
- 3 months after fertilization the testes which are located inside the abdomen (behind the peritoneal cavity) begin to descend
- The testes are connected to the gubernaculum which directs the testes and epididymis through the inguinal canal into the scrotal sac
- The gubernaculum remains fixed but the foetus becomes larger meaning the testes and epididymic become pulled down
- The sac of the peritoneum that decends with the testes eventually fuses and gives the testes mobility within the scrotal sac
Why has the scrotum evolved?
- The scrotum has evolved to allow for the temperature control of the testes, as spermatogenesis occurs optimally at 34 degrees (which is lower than body temperature)
- The testes have a specialised spermatic blood supply that undergoes countercurrent heat exchange to cool the blood entering the testes
- The cremaster muscle pulls the testes closer to the body when exposed to cold
- The dartos muscle also contracts to increase wrinkling of the scrotal skin to decrease surface and area and reduce heat loss
- This is very important as heat prevents spermatogenesis and increases cancer risk
- Animals that do not have descended testes have specialised adaptations to allow this
What are the important cell types in the seminiferous tubules?
- Sertoli Cells
- Germ cells
- Peritubular myeloid cells
Describe the function of Sertoli cells:
- Sertoli cells (also called Nurse cells) create a supporting environment for spermatogenesis
- The population of Sertoli cells is established prior to puberty
- Sertoli cells extend branches which form tight junctions between them which thus creates the blood-testis barrier (so the basal and adluminal compartments are seperated)
- Sertoli cells are supported by FSH and testosterone which stimulate spermatogenesis via a number of mechanims including synthesis of ABP, glucose transport and lactate production etc.
Describe the process of spermatogenesis:
- In the basal compartment of the seminiferous tubules there are spermatogonia (germ cells)
- Spermatogonia divide by mitosis to increase the pool of spermatogonia- Type B spermatogonia once divided by mitosis can move through tight junctions into the adluminal compartment where they become primary spermatocytes
- Primary spermatocytes undergo the first meiotic division to become secondary spermatocytes
- Secondary spermatocytes undergo the second meiotic division to become spermatids
- Spermatids then undergo spermiogenesis to become spermatozoa
Describe the Spermatogenic cycle:
- The spermatogenic cycle has 8 stages
- Each stage relates to a particular relationship of cells within the seminferous tubule
- It is during Stage 8 that the spermatids are released (associated with low levels of inhibin) and after this occurs the seminferous tubule moves back into Stage 1
- A piece of seminferous tubule can be taken and it will have different stages of the spermatogenic cycle along it (the spermatogenic wave)
- The average duration of spermatogenesis is men is 64 days and the seminferous epithelial cycle is 16 days
Describe the process of spermiogenesis:
- The final stage of spermatogenesis
- Is sees the formation of spermatids into spermatozoa
- It involves 5 main stages:
1. DNA compaction and nuclear shaping
2. Formation of the acrosome
3. Development and specialisation of the tail
4. Loss of cytoplasm
5. Formation of the residual body - This creates spermatozoa that are fully formed but immotile and immature, which then mature and gain motility in the epididymis
What are the components of Interstitial Tissue?
- Leydig Cells: responsible for steroidogenesis (production of testosterone and oestrogen)
- Blood vessels
- Lymphatics
- Connective tissue and macrophages
How is testosterone synthesised in the Leydig Cells?
- LH from the pituitary moves through the blood and binds to LH receptors on the surface of Leydig cells
- Activation of the LH receptor activates a pathway which involves the synthesis of cAMP which stimulate the cells to start producing androgens
- Cholesterol is used as a precursor- the binding of the LH stimulates the first cleavage event which converts cholesterol into pregenolone
- Pregnenolone can then be converted to testosterone by 2 pathways:
- Pregnenolone -> 17-OH Pregnenolone -> DHEA-> Androstenediol ->(a ring oxidation) Testosterone
- Pregnenolone -> progesterone -> 17-OH progesterone -> Androstenedione -> Testosterone
What are the 3 outcomes for testosterone synthesised in the Leydig cells?
- Secreted into the blood to act in the body and produce secondary sex characteristics
- The testosterone can act on receptors in the Sertoli cells where it is converted to 5a-dihydro-testosterone (more functional than testosterone)
- The testosterone in the Leydig cells can also be converted with the enzyme aromatase into oestradiol which is secreted into the blood (this also occurs in the Sertoli cell where the oestradiol may move either to blood or lumen of the seminiferous tubule but this occurs to a lesser extent