Male path (robbins) Flashcards
What is the most common male malformation?
Hypospadias-> opening on ventral surface of the penis
What are the complications/ associations with Hypospadias?
Inguinal hernias
Undescended testis
What is balanitis and balanoposthitis?
Local inflammation of glans penis and overlying prepuce
MCC of balanitis?
Candida albicans
pyogenic bacteria
Condition in which the prepuce cannot be retracted?
Phimosis–> Often 2nd to balanosposthitis
MC penile neoplasm and factors?
Squamous carcinoma
Poor hygiene (smegma formation)
HPV 16+18
Difference btwn SCC in situ and invasive in the penis?
in situ (Bowen disease)--> solitary, plaque on shaft No invasion of stroma
Invasive-> gray, crusted, papular, on Glans or prepuce. invasion producing ulcers
What is the MCC of scrotal enlargement?
Hydrocele–> collection of fluid within Tunica vaginalis
What is Cryptorchidism?
Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum
1% of all 1yo infants + 10% bilateral
What are the complications of Cryptorchidism? Both Unilateral + bilateral?
3-5x increased risk of Testicular Cancer
Nonspecific epididymitis + orchitis usually are 2nd to what other condition?
UTI that spread through urethra or lymphatics
Difference between orchitis due to UTI and mumps?
UTI–> predominantly PMN infiltration
Mumps–> Lymphocyte infiltration
What is the MCC of granulomatous inflammation in the Testes (epididymis)?
Adult male pt with sudden testicular pain associated with anatomical defect?
Torsion–> caused by increased testicular movement called the BELL Clapper abnormality
How long are the testis viable during torsion?
6 hrs
What are 95% of testicular tumors?
Germ cell tumors (seminomas)
What are sex-stromal tumors?
neoplasms derived from Sertoli and Leydig cells
What are some of the risk factors for Germ cell tumors?
Intersex syndromes (androgen insensitivity and gonadal dysgenesis)
FHx (increased by 8-10x)
50% of germ cell tumors histologically Identical to Ovarian Dysgerminomas and CNS germinomas
What is the genetic association to all Germ cell tumors?
Isochromosome on short of chromosome 12
Peak age 40-50, sheets of polygonal cells with clear cytoplasm, lymphocytes in the stroma, 10% have elevated hCG?
Peak age 20-30, poorly differentiated, pleomorphic cells in cords, sheets, or papillary formation; contain yolk sac and choriocarcinoma cells?
Embryonal carcinoma
Peak age 3 yo, poorly differentiated endothelium-like, cuboidal, or columnar cells, 90% associated with elevated AFP?
Yolk sac tumor
Peak age 20-30, Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast without villus formation, 100% with elevated hCG?
peak age 15-30, variable, depending on mixture, commonly teratoma and embryonal carcinoma, 90% with elevated hCG + AFP?
Mixed tumor
Soft well-demarcated, gray white tumors that bulge from the cut surface of the affected testis. Large uniform cells with distinct cell borders, clear, glycogen rich cytoplasm and round nuclei with conspicuous nucleoli?
15% of seminomas are associated with what?
Synctiotrophoblasts= elevated hCG
What is the organism causing Syphilis?
Spirochete–> Treponema pallidum
What is the sequelae of HPV in males?
Cancer of penis
What is the disease sequelae of HPV in females?
Cervical dysplasia and cancer,
vulvar cancer
HPV sequelae in both males and females?
condyloma acuminatum
Chlamydia trachomatis associated disease in males?
Chlamydia trachomatis associated disease in females?
Urethral syndrome
Ureaplasma urealyticum associated disease in males and females?
males–> urethritis
females–> Cervicitis
what is the presentation of Primary syphilis?
Presentation of secondary syphilis?
Palm/sole Rash
Condylomata latum
Presentation of Tertiary syphilis?
Neuro: Meningovascular, tabes dorsalis, paresis
Aortitis: aneurysms, regurgitation
Gummas: Hepar lobatum, skin, bone
Congenital syphilis presentation?
Late abortion/ stillbirth
Infantile: Rash, osteochondritis, periostitis, liver+lung fibrosis
Childhood: Interstitial keratitis, Hutchinson teeth, Deafness
Child with bifid incisors, and deafness?
Congenital syphilis
Proliferative ednoarteritis with inflammatory infiltrate rich in plasma cells?
Describe primary syphilis infection?
Hard, painless, well-defined chancre
Spontaneous resolution
Lymphocytic and plasmocytic infiltrates
Describe the secondary syphilis infection?
Generalized LAD mucocutaneous lesions Rash= symmetrical and on palms/soles Proliferative endarteritis Lymphocytic inflammation
Describe tertiary syphilis?
What is Hutchinson triad?
Late congenital syphilis: notched central incisors Interstitial keratitis + blindess Deafness Saddle nose Sabre shins
What ist the test of choice for syphilis Dx?
Pt with purulent urethral discharge, edematous, congested urethral meatus?
What are the complication of ascending GC infections>
Acute prostatitis Epididmyitis Orchitis Acute sapingitis PID
Pt with dysuria, urinary frequency, mucopurulrent discharge?
N. gonorrheae
Chronic ulcerative disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis?
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Pt with mixed granulomatous + neutrophilic inflammatory response, Tender regional LAD?
Lymphogranuloma venereum== C trachomatis
Infection by small, G- coccobacillus causing genital ulcers MC in Africa and Southeast Asia?
Chancroid–> Haemophilus ducreyi
Painful ulcers/ erythematous papules, with regional tender LAD?
H. ducreyi–> Chancroid
Acute and chronic inflammatory lesions that progress to fibrosis and lymphedema, formation of Rectal strictures?
Lymphogranuloma venerum
Acute painful ulcerative genital chancroid?
H ducreyi
Vaginal pruritus, profuse + frothy yellow vaginal discharge, with dysuria and frequency?
Trichomoniasis–> T vaginalis
Initial HSV genital lesions are?
Erythematous vesicles
Histo: Intranuclear viral inclusions–> Cowdry A inclusions
What are Cowdry type A inclusions?
Light purple, homogenous intranuclear structure surrounded by a halo
What are manifestations of neonatal herpes developed during 2nd wk?
hepatic necrosis
Pt with painful vesicular lesions, dysuria, urethral discharge, LAD and tenderness, fever, myalgia, headache?
First episodes of HSV
ill Defined invasive masses containing foci of hemorrhage and necrosis, with Large Primitive basophilic cells, indistinct boarders and Prominent Nucleoli?
Embryonal Carcinoma
Which type of testicular tumor can appear as undifferentiated sheets or glandular structure and irregular papillae?
Embryonal carcinoma
What are the Most common primary testicular neoplasm in children < 3 yo?
Yolk sac tumor
Testicular neoplasm showing loosely textured micro-cystic tissue and papillary structures resembling Glomeruli (Shiller-Duval bodies)?
Yolk sac tumor
What type of testicular tumor is AFP and alpha 1 antitrypsin positive?
Yolk sac tumor
Testicular tumor revealing sheets of small cuboidal cells irregularly intermingled or capped with large cytotrophoblasts or syncytiotrophoblasts, Prominent Hemorrhage and Necrosis?
What is the immunostain used for Choriocarcinoma?
Testicular tumors that contain cysts and recognizable areas of cartilage?
2nd MC in children to Yolk sac
MCC of non translucent painless testicular mass?
Germ cell tumor (Seminoma)
Seminomas most commonly metastasize where?
Iliac or paraaortic lymph nodes
Nonseminomas most commonly metastasize early and spread hematogenously where?
Liver + lungs
What marker is associated with Tumor burden?
Where do hyperplastic vs. neoplastic lesions occur in the prostate?
Hyperplastic= Inner transitional zone Neoplastic= outer peripheral zone
What hormone is mostly responsible for BPH?
Serine protease whose function is to cleave and liquify the seminal coagulum formed after ejaculation?