Male Infertility and ED -Gambone Flashcards
What is 90% of ED due to?
Physiologic causes (not psychological)
can be triggered by stress
What is considered “infertility”?
Inability to conceive after 1 year of trying with frequent exposure
–> really sub-fertility
What is the workup for the male in infertility?
Verify that frequent intercourse is occurring (properly) and at the times when his partner is fertile
Ask about a history of infections such as mumps which can cause an orchitis that may result in sterility (in males)
Order a semen analysis
In a recent study, it was found that fertile men can have counts as low as _____ (__th percentile)
15million/mL (5th percentile)
What is azospermia? How long should you take before you repeat the test?
absence of sperm (count < 1000) –> obstruction or failure of sperm production
90 days because sperm production takes 90 days
How long are sperm donor specimens stored before use? why?
frozen and stored for 6 months to make sure do not have HIV (can remain dormant for that long)
What is the current IVF treatment?
Current technique is to replace embryos in the stimulated cycle into an over-stimulated uterine environment
Now moving to freezing all embryos in a stimulated cycle and transferring a single thawed embryo at a later date into a more physiologic uterine environment (also allows for pre-implantation genetic testing)
What factors allow for the formation of a penile erection? Maintenance?
nNOS (nerve stimulation)–> relax the penile artery –> fill sinusoids of corpora cavernosa
eNOS–> NO relax smooth mm surrounding sinusoids
dissension against the fibrous sheath then closes off the penile veins, maintaining the erection
What does Viagra do?
inhibits PDE 5 which normally breaks down of cGMP –> maintain cGMP==>erection
What can ED be an early sign of?
ischemic heart disease
–> “penile angina”
What 3 things is ED correlated with?
- metabolic syndrome
- reduced HDL/cholesterol ratio
- coronary artery disease
What are the two ways that eNOS works?
acts as an autocrine factor, reducing senescence of endothelium
as a paracrine factor==> diffuse into surrounding tissue, prevent atherosclerosis, inhibit platelet adhesion, and inhibiting proliferation of smooth mm of the vessel wall and vascular tone
What is one problem with PDE 5 inhibitors?
they don’t fix the underlying problem of deficient NO
==> no reduction in atherosclerosis and clotting and decreasing in vascular tone and smooth mm proliferation
==> cover-up the underlying problem
What are some of the most important factors interfering with NO production?
inactivity and obesity (esp in the abdomen)
insulin resistance blocks NO stimulation of insulin
What is the single most important factor in protecting against loss of erectile and vascular health?
not extreme exercise which can actually decrease NO
How does exercise improve NO production?
- shear force of blood flow induces eNOS and NO production
- exercise increases insulin sensitivity and insulin is a stimulator of NO
What dietary supplements (5) are shown to be beneficial for CV health?
200-400 micrograms of folate (too much can inc colon cancer) –> co-factor in NO synthesis
calcium 1200 mg/day (not more–> deposit on arteries)–> required for NO synthesis, dec osteoporosis risk
omega-3 fatty acids (like EPA) –> 1 gram recommended for CV disease ==> inc NO
anti-oxidants (dark berries, 55% cocoa chocolate, green tea, red wine, fruits and veggies) –> helps with L-arginine and NO production
2 gm of L-citrulline (inc NO) and stronger antioxidant (pycnogenol)