Male Infertility Flashcards
A low sperm count, also called oligozoospermia, is where a man has fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen.
What is the consequence of most trisomies or autosomal losses of chromosomes?
Embryonic lethality and frequent cause of miscarriages
What cuases numerical chromosome defects?
nondisjunction during metaphase of meiosis
What is klinefelter syndrome?
Klinefelter Syndrome is one of the most frequent chromosomal anomalies, occurring in about 1 of 500 births. Duplication of the X chromosome occurs most frequently (XXY), however, rarely patients may present with XXXYor XXXXY. More rarely, Klinefelter patients may be mosaic, meaning that some cells will have a normal karyotype while others have an extra X chromosome(s).
usually azoospermic with small atrophic testes, although the phenotype may vary and, rarely, pregnancies have been achieved without assisted reproductive techniques. However, most commonly, the Klinefelter male will be azoospermic, as the presence of the two X chromosomes is incompatible with the completion of meiosis during spermatogenesis. Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) have resulted in some pregnancies, but caution is warranted. While the offspring born to date have had normal karyotypes, genetic counseling and prenatal genetic testing is advisable for these couples.
What happens with XYY males?
XYY males are usually ferrtile but rarely may present with infertility
What are XX males? Can ICSI be used for these patients?
XX Males are genotypic females and phenotypic males. This syndrome is characterized by development of the testes and male genital tract with normal masculinization, but small atrophic testes.
Again, the presence of two X chromosomes blocks meiosis resulting in azoospermia. The majority of these patients have a small piece of the Y chromosome that encodes the SRY or testis determining gene translocated to an X chromosomes.
This gene is sufficient to induce testicular differentiation during embryonic development. Rarely, XX males may have no detectable Y chromosome genes present (no SRY) and in these cases, the phenotype is thought result from an activating mutation of an autosomal gene resulting in sex reversal.
ICSI should not be attempted for XX males, as they have a Sertoli cell—only phenotype and sperm will not be retrieved.**
when do translocations and deletions often occur?
during crossing-over during meiotic recombination
What are the consequences of balanced translocations?
ususally few phenotypic abnormailities
can result in male or female infertility
unbalanced translocation may occur resulting in embryonic lethality and severe birth defects
ICSI has been succcessful using sperm from pateints withy balanced translocations obtained by testicular sperm extraction
What are robertsonian translocations? Which chromosomes are typically affected?
well-recognized cause of male infertility. These are the most common translocations, usually between either Chromosomes **13,14 or 14,15 or 13,21 or 21,22, **
because these are all acrocentric chromosomes that may misalign during meiosis and result in the long arm of one chromosome translocated onto the long arm of another chromosome.
The two small fragments resulting may combine but are usually lost resulting in an apparently normal individual with just 45 chromosomes.
These translocations can be balanced, unbalanced, mosaic, or complex, and most carriers of a balanced Robertsonian translocation are phenotypically normal and the chromosome defect undetected until they attempt to reproduce and the males often have oligozoospermia. These individuals have an increased risk of infertility, spontaneous miscarriage, offspring with unbalanced translocations, and uniparental disomy (UPD) or UPD-related imprinting disorders if chromosomes 14 and 15 are involved.
Which chromosomes are usually affected by robertsonian translocations?
How is male fertility affected by Robertsonian Translocation?
usually oligozoospermia
increased risk of infertility
spontaneous miscariage
offspring with unbalanced translocations
uniparental disomy (UPD) or UPD-related imprinting disorders if chrosomes 14 and 15 involved
What is the AZF?
azoospermia factor region on Y chromosome
microdeletions here cause azoospermia
In 1995, David Page’s group identified a spermatogenesis gene DAZ or the “deleted in azoospermia” gene in this region of the Y chromosome
What is DAZ?
gene in Yq11
“deleted in azoospermia”
divided into 3 regions: a, b, c
Microdeletion of which AZF regions is associated with male infertility?
AZFa/AZFb associated with pure sertoli cell only phenotype. TESE for ICSI should not be done
AZFc have higher likelihood of finding sperm in testis biopsy
What is SHOX?
about 12% of men with Y chromosome microdeletions have a co-existing genomic syndrome called SHOX, a gene encoded on the top of the short arm of the X and Y chromosomes (the pseudoautosomal region 1 that undergoes homologous recombination during meiosis). The SHOX gene encodes a protein involved in stature, which when mutated or a copy(ies) are lost
results in stature anomalies and some limb deformaties.
How are Y chromosome microdeletions usually identified?
multiplex PCR
What is the frequency of Y chromosome deletions in non-obstructive azoospermic men? and severly oligospermic men?
5-15% depending on lab and likely due to patient selection bias
still significant in oligospermic men but less so
Are men with Y chromosome microdeletions fertile?
pregnancies have been achieved
females offspring will be normal
male are likely to be infertile as they will inherit the defective Y chromosome from their fathers
Other traits encoded by Y chromosome may also be affected in male offspring
What is the significance of TEX11?
Another Example of a Sex Chromosome Microdeletion Causing Spermatogenic Failure: XLinked TEX11 Mutations, Meiotic Arrest and Azoospermia in Infertile Men
A relatively small 99-kb hemizyous loss on chromosome Xq13.2 encompassing 3 TEX 11 gene exons was identified and additional studies of this gene assessing copy number variations (CNVs), as well as damaging mutations showed that TEX 1 1 regulates homologous chromosome synapsis and doublestrand DNA break repair. TEX 1 1 is critical for synaptonemal complex formation and the chiasma in chromosomal crossover and when deficient (CNVs; or when there are damaging mutations) meiosis cannot proceed, and there is a meiotic arrest resulting in non-obstructive azoospermia.
What is array comparitive genomic hybridization and what is it used to analyze?
identify CNVs
oligonucleotides arrayed on a glass slide and the patient and reference (control normal) samples are differentially labeled with fluorphors fluorescing red and green. The DNAs are then hybridized to target oligonucleotides (nucleic acids) on the slide. When both concentrations are in equilibrium, the spot fluoresces yellow. A copy number gain in the patient fluoresces green whereas a loss fluoresces red. This is a high-resolution analysis that can analyze an entire genome with a tiling microarray. It can only recognize unbalanced gains or losses (not inversions).
What is the function of wilms tumor supressor gene (Wt-1) during gonadal development?
initiates development of the gonads
when absent, gonadal agenesis occurs
What is the function of SF-1 during gonadal development?
Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1)
orphan receptor
regulator of embryonic gonadal development
development of adrenals
transcription factor regulates expression of downstream genes such as p450 hydroxylases, Dax1, mullerian inhibiting substance
What is the importance of WT1 and SF1 during gonadal development?
required for genital ridge formation
SF1 is dosage sensitive and loss of copy can induce sex reversal in XY individuals
What happens by the end of 5th week of gestation for gonadal development?
By the end of the 5th week of gestation, the germ cells have arrived at the genital ridge and proliferate. These germ cells are encompassed by the cells forming the seminiferous cords and differentiate into spermatogonial precursors but do not enter the meiotic pathway, unlike the events occurring in the fetal ovary during development. In the absence of germ cell migration to the genital ridge or lack of survival the testis will continue to develop, unlike the fetal ovary, which requires germ cell migration through meiosis (if this does not occur the follicular cells degenerate, and streak gonads develop).
What is the master testis determining factor?
SRY is the testis determining factor because it upregulates SOX9 gene expression and the transcription factor SOX9 is now considered by many to be the master testis determining factor. Thus, SRY, which tilts the balance between testis and ovarian directing gene expression, **is necessary but not sufficient for testis determination **and both the timing of expression and the level of expression are critical factors
SOX9 either succeeds in determining Sertoli cell differentiation or is silenced by other genes that enact ovarian differentiation—it is a true battle of the sexes! It is important to be aware that there are a number of genes that must be expressed during early fetal gonadal sexual differentiation to effectively elicit the development of a functional testis or ovary (Figure 13), but for the purposes of this course, the take home message is that both SR Y and SOX9 actions are required for testis differentiation.
What can cause XX or XY individuals to have reproductive organs or external genitalia of the opposite sex?
small fragment of Y chromosome that includes SRY is present in XX individual
or loss/mutated SRY that doesnt signal the initial step of testis determination