Male GU Flashcards
Shaft of penis columns
- Corpus Spongiosum - contains the urethra
forms bulb of penis ends as cone shaped glans and base the corona. - 2 Corpora Cavernosa
vas deferens
Cordlike structure, extends from the epididymis passes through the external inguinal ring into abdomen and pelvis.
Sperm passes
from testesand epididymis through vas deferens into urethra
Penile lymphatics
penile and scrotal surfaces drain into the inguinal lymph nodes
lymphatics from the testis drain into the abdominal lymph nodes
spermatic cord contents
- arteries: tesicular, deferential, cremaster
- Nerves - nerve to cremastersympathetic nerves.
(genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve)
vas deferens
pampiniform plexus
lymphatic vessels
processus vaginalis
Inguinal canal
lies parallel to the inguinal ligament
external ring
triangular slitlike structure above and lateral to the pubic tubercle
Internal Ring
Internal opening, 1cm above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament
testes function
- produce sperm and testosterone
- 80% of testicular mass contains seminiferous tubules where spermatogenesis begins
- Endocrine cells located in tissue between seminiferous tubules - leydig or interstitial cells - produce testosterone.
ROS male GU
Urinary - pain, dysuria, change in flow, color
Penile discharge or lesions
Genital rashes
scrotal enlargement
groin mass or swelling
urethral opening on the ventral side of the penis shaft
urethral opening on the dorsal aspect of the penis shaft
inflammation of the glans penis (pften Candida)
Condylomata acuminata
secondary syphilis
cannot retract foreskin over glans
entrapment of retracted foreskin behind coronal sulcus
collection of fluid between the 2 layers of the tunica vaginalis- painless gradually enlarging mass - **translumination
must evaluate with tesiticular sonogram - 10% of testicular tumors are associated with hydrocele
dilation of the pmpiniform plexis from incompetent valves
**almost always of the left side
varicocele on the right side should raise suspicion of malignancy or abdominal mass
surgical correction - most common 15-25 year olds
ages 19-35
spread of infection to the bladder
common from gonorrhea and chlamydia
amiodarone can cause
Prehn’s sign
lifting of testicle relieves pain = epidiymitis but not with testicular torsion
Acute Orchitis
testicular pain and swelling, blood in semen
cause from mumps in childhood
** treated with antibiotics
Incarcerated hernia
hernia cannot be returned to the abdominal cavity
stangulated hernia
blood supply is cut off to the entrapped hernia
**extreme tenderness, vomitting and nausea— surgery req.
Testicular cancer
one of highest cure rates - 90%
most common in ages 15-40 mostly caucasians
95% of testicular tumors are malignant
Risk factors for testicular cancer
cryptoorchidism, inguinal hernia, mumps orchitis
testicular torsion
medical emergency
needs intervention within 6 hours to save testicle
Peyronie’s disease
palpable non-tender indurated thickening plaque of the tunica albuginea of the corpora
deveates erection which causes pain
associated with sickle cell - spinal cord injuries, leukemia and drugs
painful sustained erection
idiopathic gangrene of scrotum and perineyum
sub q emphysema
gynecomastia causes
kleinfelter’s syndrome, prolactinoma, idopathic, drugs
Obstructive BPH
hesitancy, intermittency, incomplete voiding, weak urinary stream, straining
Irritative BPH
FRrequency, nocturia, urgency
Prostate Cancer
1 non skin cancer found in men
80% >65 yr. old
Highest incidence in af. americans
physical findings and symptoms of protate cancer
usuallyy silent, bone pain/pathologic fractures, firm/nodular area or hard fixed prostateon D rectal exam
Behcet syndrome
painfull with minimal adenopathy
**Not an STD
Genital sores, inflamed eyes, and rashes
painful ulcer, tender with non-fulctuant inguinal adenopathy
painful ulcer with tender fluctuant inguinal adenopathy
non painful ulcer with mild tender adenopathy
granuloma - c. granulomatous (klebsiella)
non painful, bleeds easily firm inguinal adenopathy ** can mimic LVG
LVG: chlamydia
non painful ulcer, tender unilateral fluctuant adenopathy
asymptomatic, sub acute meningitis - fever stiff neck
Tabes Dorsalis
effects posterior column (proprioception) and dorsal roots (loss of reflexes, loss of pain and temp sensation)
Prostate attributes
3 lobes surrounding urethra
posterior bi-lobed portion palpated via anterior rectal wall.
seminal vesicles not palpable
rectal carcinoma
may feel a discrete hard mass, or may palpate a rectal shelf, indicative of a deeper lesion
anorectal junction
pectinate or dentate line - is the boundary between somatic and visceral nerve supplies