Malcolm X Flashcards
A small or inadequate budget
Book: Everything that the nation of Islam did on those days from Mr. Muhammed to Down was strictly on a shoestring
-Support an organization or activity Financially
-Pay part of the cost of producing something to keep the selling price low
Book: Why shouldn’t he subsidize a separate state a separate or territory for We Black people who have been such faithful slaves and servants
-Suddenly and unexpectedly
The film ends rather abruptly
-In a rude or Curt matter
She barely conceals her irritation and speaks briefly and abruptly to the woman
The quality of having a friendly and pleasant manner geniality
Book: I saved some ingredients missing from his usual amiability
Stupid or careless mistake
Book: I’ll have to silence you for the next 90 days so that the muslims everywhere can be disassociated from the blunder.
Ask or try to update something from someone
Book: he called a meeting to solicit their views
-The achievement of something desired promised or predicted
- The meeting of a requirement condition or need
the fulfillment of stationary requirements fulfillment of prophecy
Cold turkey
Is a quick fix method to quitting tobacco alcohol or drugs
Book: Finally Vitally this addict will decide for himself that he wants to go on cold turkey. this means to endure the physical agonies of abruptly quitting dope
Treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against disease, vaccinate
Inoculating against an epidemic
Short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
Book: I almost forgot The heavy worries on my mind for that brief respite
As you saw so shall you reap
Saw: To plant seeds for growth especially by scattering
Reap: Cut or gather a crop or harvest
The Chickens coming home to roost
The bad things that someone has done in the past now come back to bite or haunt the individual
Severe mental or physical pain or suffering (keder)
Book: Or a black man who suffered more anguish during his life that I have
she shut her eyes in anguish
Blanket indictment
True Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks
Taper off
To become gradually narrower at the end
To become gradually smaller or weaker or happen less often
Wind down
-Draw gradually to close
-(of a person) relax after stress or excitement
Book: Slowly the rush would start to taper off And we’d wind down
No longer produced or used, out of state
Diminish gradually in size amount or strength
My friendship with Nick dwindled in obsolescence
Absolutely necessary, essential
Secrecy is a vital importance
( Of an argument or statement) Not seeming reasonable or probable, failing to convince
Similar: unlikely, not likely, improbable
Book: this is a blatantly implausible claim