Malabsorbtion syndromes Flashcards
The major causes of fat malabsorption are…… celiac disease and chronic pancreatitis
- celiac disease
2. chronic pancreatitis
Diarrhea characterized…..
- greasy, oily,
- floating, and fatty,
- particularly foul smell,
sign and symptoms
1.weight loss because fat has the highest
caloric content of all the foods
2.malabsorption of the fat-soluble vitamins
A, D, E, and K.
3.Iron malabsorption
4. Vitamin B12 malabsorption
clinical presentation
- chronic diarrhea
2. celiac disease is dermatitis herpetiformis, a vesicular skin rash on the extensorsurfaces
chronic pancreatitis diagnosis with….
- Chronic alcohol abuse (most common cause)ry of pain,
- History of pain, recurrent attacks of acute pancreatitis, weight loss
- Pancreatic calcifications on imaging
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (steatorrhea)
- Diabetes
If CT does not show calcifications, get ……
MRCP to detect abnormal pancreatic ducts.
cystic fibrosis with chronic pancreatitis and……..
recurrent pneumonia, sinusitis, and infertility
TTT of chronic pancreatitis
- pancreatic enzymes
- pain control with NSAID/acetaminophen
- insulin for DM type1
- not use narcotics for pain control
Celiac Sprue is
secondary to ingestion of wheat, gluten, or related rye and barley proteins
clinical presentation
- Chronic diarrhea or steatorrhea
- Bloating, weight loss, abdominal pain
- Pruritic papulovesicular rash on extensor surfaces (dermatitis herpetiformis)
- Isolated abnormalities in liver chemistry tests
- Unexpanded iron deficiency anemia (after a negative work up for GI bleed)
- Fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies
- Early onset osteoporosis
- Strong association with type 1 diabetes (should be screened)
- Malabsorption of thyroid hormone in patient with thyroiditis
1.presence of antiendomysial and
anti-transglutaminase antibodies.
2.The most accurate test is a small bowel biopsy, which shows
flattening of villi to exclude lymphoma
The single most sensitive test for Whipple’s disease is ….
PCR (+tropheryma)
1.adhering to a gluten-free diet
2.Use dapsone when celiac
patients have dermatitis herpetiformis