Mal. Ware Flashcards
What type of anti-malware spots mal. code within a file using Dictionary Detection??
Signature Analysis
This detection looks at a whole data base dedicated to mal. code to check whether or not the file’s code matches up and is malicious.
Dictionary Detection
What type of anti-malware checks the code of a file for any registry changes, bios changes, or any general malicious activity??
Heuristic Analysis
What anti-malware constantly checks the activity and behaviour of a file??
Behavioural Analysis
What anti-malware blocks users from reaching specific websites??
Internet Filtering
This technique allows for code to be performed within a safe area of a network to check for any mal. code.
This anti-malware checks for odd behaviour in an application.
Anomaly Based Detection
Harmless code is flagged as mal. code and blocked by an anti-malware software.
False Positive
Mal. code is allowed into a system after being deemed safe by an anti-malware.
False Negative
What is it called when a file is stripped of rights and is relocated to a file not easily accessible by regular file management utilities??
This technique can be used by hackers to get past most anti-malware software, like Firewalls for an example.
“Upon finding a virus, you need to _____ the code and/ or the programme.”
“A Mal. code that gathers information secretly”
“A Mal. code that displays unwanted pop-ups”
“Encrypts hard-drive making you need to pay”