………is an Act of the Parliament of the United
Kingdom that partitioned British India into
two new independent dominions of India and
Pakistan in 1947.
(a) Rowlatt Act
(b) Indian Independence Act
(c) Government of India Act
(d) Pitts India Act
SSC CHSL (Tier-1) – 17/03/2023 (Shift-III)
(b) : Indian Independence Act of 1947 was a
legislation passed by the UK Parliament, marking the
end of British rule in India. This Act led to the partition
of British india into two separate nations, India and
Pakistan, on August 15, 1947. This partition was based
on religious lines, with India predominantly Hindu and
Pakistan predominantly Muslim. The Act granted
independence to both nations, allowing them to govern
themselves and determine their own future.
Which of the following Acts is considered as the
Precursor of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Government of India Act, 1919
(b) Government of India Act, 1945
(c) Government of India Act, 1935
(d)Government of India Act, 1909
SSC JE CIVIL 09/10/2023 (Shift-III)
SSC JE Electrical 09/10/2023 (Shift-III
(c) : The Government of India Act of 1935 is
considered the precursor of the indian Constitution.
The Constitution of 1950 was a by-product of the
legacy started by the Government of India Act 1935.
This was the longest act passed by the British
government with 321 sections and 10 schedules. This
act had drawn its content from four sources – Report of
the Simon Commission, discussions and deliberations at
the Third Round Table Conference, the White Paper of
1933 and the reports of the Joint selection committees.
By which of the following Acts was the
bicameral legislature introduced at the central
level in India?
(a) Government of India Act, 1919
(b) Indian Council Act, 1861
(c) Regulation Act, 1773
(d) Government of India Act, 1935
SSC CGL (Tier-1) – 26/07/2023 (Shift-II)
a) : The Government of India Act 1919
introduced the bi-cameral legislature at the central level
in India. The Government of India Act 1919 is
popularly known as the Montague-Chelmsford reforms.
This act provided women with the right to vote in India.
It was provided for the establishment of the public
service commission which was set up in 1926.
Which of the following reforms led to the
implementation of the Government of India
Act of 1919? (a) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
(b) Morley-Minto Reforms
(c) anti-slavery reforms
(d) Young Bengal
SSC MTS– 12/05/2023 (Shift-III)
(a) : Montagul-Chelmsford refarms led to the
implementation of the Government of india Act of 1919.
A large part of Constitution especially the
structural part of the Constitution is generaly
derived from the ________.
(a) 1919
(b) 1947
(c) 1935
(d) 1909
SSC CHSL (Tier-1) – 14/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : A large part of the Indian Constitution
especially the structural part of the Constitution is
generally derived from the Government of India Act
1935. Out of 395 articles of the Indian Constitution,
there are about 250 articles which have been taken from
the government of India act 1935 or with slight changes.
The Charter Act of 1813 extended the East
India Company’s rule in India to another
________ years.
(a) 20
(b) 5
(c) 15
(d) 10
SSC MTS– 11/05/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : The Charter Act of 1813 extended the East
India Company’s rule in India to another 20 years. Act
also allowed Christian missionaries to enter India
the purpose of spreading education and knowledge. T
Act required the East India Company to spend one la
rupees annually on the promotion of education in India.
The Act also paved the way for the establishment of the
Hindu College in Calcutta, which later became the
University of Calcutta.
The Constituent Assembly was recognised by
Section ______ of the Indian Independence
Act, 1947.
(a) 6(2)
(b) 12(2)
(c) 10(1)
(d) 8(1)
SSC MTS– 10/05/2023 (Shift-I)
SSC JE Electrical 10/10/2023 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : The Constituent Assembly was recognised by
Section 8(1) of the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
Under the Plan, the members of the 1946 Provincial
Legislative Assemblies, who were elected by the limited
franchise, would select the members of the Constituent
Assembly through a single transferrable vote.
which of the following Acts of the Government
of India, the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
brought about dualism in the provinces?
(a) Government of India Act 1935
(b) Government of India Act 1919
(c) Government of India Act 1923
(d) Government of India Act 1945
SSC CGL (Tier-1) – 24/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : By the government of India act 1919. The
montagul-chelmsford reforms brought about dualism in
the provinces.
In which of the following years did the Indian
National Congress make the demand for a
Constituent Assembly?
(a) 1934
(b) 1919
(c) 1939
(d) 1928
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : In June 1934, for the first time, the Indian
National Congress formally demanded that a
Constituent Assembly composed of Indians be set up to
frame a Constitution for India. With this, the Congress
added a new stand to its political engagement with the
British on the future of India.
The total membership of the Constituent
Assembly was 389, of which ______ were
representatives of princely states.
(a) 84 (b) 109
(c) 93 (d) 102
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift III)
Ans. (c) : The total membership of the Constituent
Assembly was 389, of which 93 represented princely
states and 292 were representative of the provinces, and
four were from Chief Commissioner Provinces of Delhi,
Coorg, Ajmer - Merwara and British Baluchistan. The
first Constituent Assembly in India was elected in 1946
and it also served as the first Parliament of Independent
India. The Assembly approved the Constituent of India
on 26th November 1949 and this day is remembered as
Constitution Day in India.
The abolition of dyarchy in the provinces was
recommended by the ––––––.
(a) Government of India Act of 1935
(b) Government of India Act of 1947
(c) Government of India Act of 1858
(d) Government of India Act of 1919
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) The abolition of dyarchy in the provinces was
recommended by the Government of India Act of 1935.
By which of the following Act, the system of
Dyarchy was introduced at the centre?
(a) 1919 (b) 1909
(c) 1937 (d) 1947
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
Ans : (a) The Government of India Act of 1919,
introduced the system of dyarchy. Government of India
Act of 1919 is also known as Montagu- Chelmsford
The Government of India Act, 1919 was also
known as:
(a) Ramsay Macdonald Award
(b) Morley-Minto Report
(c) Nehru Report
(d) Montagu-Chelmsford Reform
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
The Act that transferred the power from the
British East India Company to the British
Crown in India was : (a) Government of India Act, 1833
(b) Government of India Act, 1835
(c) Government of India Act, 1947
(d) Government of India Act, 1858
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : The Government of India Act of 1858
transferred the power from the British East India
Company to the British Crown in India.
The Constitution of independent India should
be made without any outside interference by a
Constituent Assembly elected on the basis of
adult franchise. Who gave this statement?
(a) Sardar Patel (b) M.N. Roy
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC CHSL (Tier-1) – 08/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : In 1938, Jawaharlal Nehru, on behalf of the
INC declared that ‘the Constitution of free India must
be framed, without outside interference, by a
Constituent Assembly elected on the basis of the adult
- Who among the following was a member of the
Drafting Committee of the Constituent
(a) T.T. Krishnamachari (b) B.N.Rao
(c) Dr. K. M.Munshi (d) N. Madhav Rao
SSC JE Civil 24.01.2018 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL (Tier-1) – 17/08/2023 (Shift-IV)
Ans. (c) : Dr. K.M munshi was a member of the drafting
committee of the constituent Assembly. The Constituent
Assembly was a body of representatives composed for
the purpose of drafting and adopting the constitution.
Many committees were constituted for this purpose. The
most important one being the Drafting Committee as it
was tasked with wording the Constitution. The
Committee was set up on 29 August 1947.
The seven-member of the Drafting Committee headed
by B.R. Ambedkar were- N. Gopalswami Aiyengar,
Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, K.M. Munshi, Mohammad
Saadullah, B.L. Mittar (replaced by N. Madhav Rau
later) and D.P Khaitan (replaced by T.T. Krishnamachari).
- How many members were there in the drafting
committee of Indian Constitution?
(a) 7 (b) 8
(c) 9 (d) 14
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : Total seven (7) members were there in the
drafting committee of Indian constitution.
Who among the following wrote the Hindi
version of the original Indian Constitution in
calligraphic style?
(a) S. N. Mukherjee
(b) Vasant Krishna Vaidya
(c) Nand Lal Bose
(d) Prem Bihari Narayan Raizada
SSC CHSL (Tier-1) – 10/08/2023 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Prem Bihari Narayan raizada wrote the hindi
version of the original Indian constitution in
calligraphic style.
When was the tenth session of the Constituent
Assembly held?
(a) 6-17 October 1949
(b) 4 November 1948-8 January 1949
(c) 16 May 16 June 1949
(d) 14-31 July 1947
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : The Tenth Session of the Constituent
Assembly of india was held from 6-17 October 1949.
There was a total of 11 sessions of the Constituent
The Idea of a constituent assembly was first proposed in
1934 by M.N. Roy. The Assembly first met on 9
December 1946 but was boycotted by Muslim League.
The constituent assembly held its final session on 24th
January 1950
When was the tenth session of the Constituent
Assembly held?
(a) 6-17 October 1949
(b) 4 November 1948-8 January 1949
(c) 16 May 16 June 1949
(d) 14-31 July 1947
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) : The Tenth Session of the Constituent
Assembly of india was held from 6-17 October 1949.
There was a total of 11 sessions of the Constituent
The Idea of a constituent assembly was first proposed in
1934 by M.N. Roy. The Assembly first met on 9
December 1946 but was boycotted by Muslim League.
The constituent assembly held its final session on 24th
January 1950
- How many women members were there in the
Constituent Assembly that made the
Constitution of India?
(a) 10 (b) 12
(c) 15 (d) 14
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 11/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c): The Constituent Assembly was formed in
1946, before India gained independence. The Assembly
consisted of 389 members, out of whom 15 members
were women.
The 15 women were: Ammu Swaminathan, Annie
Mascarene, Dakshayani Velayudhan, Begum Aizaz
Rasul, Durgabai Deshmukh, Hansa Jivraj Mehta, Kamla
Chaudhry, Leela Roy, Malati Choudhury, Purnima
Banerjee, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Renuka Ray, Sarojini
Naidu, Sucheta Kriplani and Vijayalakshmi Pandit.
Who was the Chairman of the House Committee
of the Constituent Assembly of India?
(a) KM Munshi (b) B. Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
(c) J.B. Kripalani (d) NV Thakkar
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 18/04/2022 (Shift-II
Ans. (b) : parliamentary committee – it’s head
• House Committee- B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
• Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas SubCommittee- A.V. Thakkar
• Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee- J.B. Kripalani
• Order of Business Committee - K.M. Munshi
Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar was the chairman
of the ______ of the Constituent Assembly of
(a) Credentials Committee
(b) Order of Business Committee
(c) Union Power Committee
(d) Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 19/04/2022 (Shift-I
Ans. (a) : Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar was the
chairman of the Credential Committee of the
Constituent Assembly of India.
He served as the Advocate General of Madras State
from 1929 to 1944.
GV Mavalankar was the Chairman of the
______ of the Constituent Assembly of India.
(a) Ad hoc committee related to the national flag
(b) Advisory Committee relating to fundamental
rights, minorities and tribal and excluded
(c) Committee on the Functions
(d) Order of Business Committee
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 20/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : GV Mavalankar was the Chairman of the
Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly
of India. The Constituent Assembly met for the first time
in New Delhi on 9 December 1946. The Constituent
Assembly selected 22 committees to deal with diverse
tasks of Constitution-making. Out of these, 10 were on
procedural affairs and 12 on substantive affairs.
- On which of the following dates was the
Constitution of India adopted?
(a) 26 January 1949 (b) 26 November 1949
(c) 26 January 1950 (d) 26 November 1950
SSC CGL (Tier-1) – 19/07/2023 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : The Constitutions of India was adopted on
the date of 26 November 1949. The idea of having a
provision for a bicameral parliament in the constitution
of india was barrowed from the british constitution.
Who among the following became the member
of the Constituent Assembly from Madras
constituency in 1946?
(a) Hansa Jivraj Mehta
(b) Kamla Chaudhary
(c) Ammu Swaminathan
(d) Begum Aijaz Rasool
SSC CGL (Tier-I) 21/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Ammu Swaminathan was elected to the
Constituent Assembly from the Madras Constituency i
1946. She spoke on fundamental rights and directive
principles. Ammu Swaminathan was born in 1894 in
Palakkad, Kerala. In 1917, she worked with Kamaladevi
Chattopadhyay, Annie Besant, Muthulakshmi Reddy,
and others to set up the Women’s India Association
(WIA) at Adyar, Madras.
Swaminathan was involved in the Quit India Movement
in 1942 which led to her imprisonment a year later.
With reference to the Constituent Assembly,
which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The Constituent Assembly ratified India’s
membership of the Commonwealth in May
(b) The Constituent Assembly adopted the
National Anthem in January 1950.
(c) The Constituent Assembly adopted the
National Song in January 1948.
(d) The Constituent Assembly adopted the
National Flag in July 1949.
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) The Constituent Assembly adopted the
National Anthem in January 1950, only this statement is
In which of the following years Motilal Nehru
along with eight other congress leaders drafted
a Constitution for India?
(a) 1928
(b) 1935
(c) 1945
(d) 1931
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) In 1928, a written Constitution, also known as
Nehru Report was prepared by Motilal Nehru along
with eight other Congress leaders.
When was the Drafting Committee formed?
(a) 17 October, 1945
(b) 14 August, 1948
(c) 29 August, 1947
(d) 9 November, 1946
SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III
Ans. (c) : On 29th August 1947, the Constituent
Assembly through a resolution appointed a Drafting
Committee. The Drafting Committee had seven
members: Alladi Krishna Swami Ayyar, N
Gopalaswami, B.R. Ambedkar, K.M. Munshi,
Mohammad Saadullah, B.L. Mitter and D.P Khaitan. At
first meeting on 30th August 1947 the Drafting
Committee elected B.R. Ambedkar as its Chairman.
• N Madhava Rao (He replaced B. L. Mitter who
resigned due to illness).
• T.T. Krishnamichari (He replaced D.P. Khaitan)
The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the
Constituent Assembly of India was______.
(a) K.M. Munshi (b) D.P. Khaitan
(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (d) T.T. Krishnamachari
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 1.15 pm
Ans : (c) Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (Born – 14
April 1891 – Death 6 Decembcer 1956) also known as
Babasaheb Ambedkar was an Indian economist, jurist
and social reformer. He inspired the Dalit-Buddhist
movement and campaigned against social
discrimination towards the untouchables (Dalits). On
29 August 1947, the Constituent Assembly set up a
Drafting Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar to prepare a Draft of Indian Constitution.
Who was the first Finance Minister of India
after independence?
(a) C Rajagopalachari
(b) R.K. Shanmukham Chetty
(c) Sardar Baldev Singh
(d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
SSC JE Civil 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : Independent India’s first Union Budget was
presented by the first Finance Minister R.K.
Shanmukham Chetty on 26 November, 1947. R.K.
Shanmukham Chetty was a lawyer, industrialist
economist, and a politician, before taking the charge as
India’s Finance Minister. He served as President of
India’s Central Legislative Assembly from 1933 to
1935. He was Diwan of the Cochin Kingdom from 1935
to 1941
Who among the following was the first Law
Minister of Independent India?
(a) Pattabhi Sitaramayya (b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Maulana Azad
(d) Liyakat Ali Khan
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : The Minister of Law and Justice is the head of
the Ministry of Law and Justice and one of the Cabinet
Ministers of the government of India. The first Law and
Justice Minister of Independent India was B.R.
Ambedkar, who served in first Nehru Ministry during
Note - Kiren Rijiju is the current Law and Justice
Minister of India
32. _____was the first defence Minister of
Independent India.
(a) C. Rajagopalachari
(b) Shree Jagjivan Ram
(c) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(d) Baldev Singh
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : The Minister of Defence is the head of the
Ministry of Defence of the government of India. The
first Defence Minister of Independent India was Baldev
Singh, who served in Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s
cabinet during 1947-52.
Note - Raj Nath Singh, the current Defence Minister of
Education Minister of Independent
India was ––––––.
(a) Pranab Mukherjee (b) Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Triguna Sen
(d) Indira Gandhi
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Abul Kalam Azad who is also known as
Maulana Azad was the first Education Minister of India.
His tenure was in between 15 August, 1947-2 February,
1958. He is also remembered as the “Youngest
Congress President”. He is mainly associated with
Dharasana Satyagraha of 1931. He also edited a famous
newspaper Al-Hilal
Who was the Constitutionl Advisor to the
Constituent Assembly?
(a) Rajendra Prasad (b) B.N. Rao
(c) B.R. Ambedkar (d) T.T. Krishnamachari
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Who was not a member of the Constituent
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) G V Mavalankar
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-I
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Who was not a member of the Constituent
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) G V Mavalankar
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-
Ans. (a) : Constituent Assembly was formed in
November 1946 under the proposals suggested by the
Cabinet Mission Plan. Mahatma Gandhi was not a
member of the Constituent Assembly. All others were
members of the Constituent
Who was the first temporary chairman of the
Constituent Assembly?
(a) B. R. Ambedkar
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) Rajendra Prasad
(d) Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 10 am)
Ans : (d) The Constituent Assembly met for the first
time in New Delhi on 9th December, 1946. Dr
Sachchidananda Sinha was the first temporary
Chairman of the Constituent Assembly. Later on 11
December 1946, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the
permanent President and its Vice-President was
Harendra Coomar Mookerjee.
On 9th December 1946 who chaired the first
session of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) M. Asaf Ali
(b) Govind Ballabh Pant
(c) Sarat Chandra Bose
(d) Sachchidanada Sinha
SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Who among the following moved ‘Objectives
Resolution’ in the Constituent Assembly?
(a) BN Rao
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) BR Ambedkar
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC JE Mechanical 11.12.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : On December 13, 1946 Jawaharlal Nehru
moved the historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ in the
assembly. It laid down the fundamentals and philosophy
of the Constitutional structure. This resolution was
unanimously adopted by the Assembly on January 22,
Who replaced Sachchidananda Sinha as
President of Constituent Assembly?
(a) Mohandash Karamchand Gandhi
(b) Pt. Nehru
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : On 11th December 1946, Dr. Rajendra Prasad
replaced Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha as President of
Constituent Assembly.
Who was the first External Affairs Minister of
India after Independence?
(a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Sardar Baldev Singh
(d) John Matthai
SSC JE Electrical 10.12.2020 (Shift-II)
Ans (a) : The first cabinet of Independent India
The first session of Constituent Assembly of
India was held in which of the following cities?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Culcutta
(d) Delhi
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : The first meeting of the Constituent
Assembly of India took place in Constitutional Hall,
New Delhi on 9th December 1946.
When did the first meeting of the Constituent
Assembly take place?
(a) December 1946 (b) August 1945
(c) January 1950 (d) July 1948
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question
The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly
was held in ………………
(a) Delhi
(b) Madras
(c) Kolkata
(d) Bombay
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question
The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly
was held in ………………
(a) Delhi
(b) Madras
(c) Kolkata
(d) Bombay
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Constitution Day of India is on…………….
(a) 26th January (b) 23rd June
(c) 15th August (d) 26th November
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 1.15 pm)
Ans : (d) On November 26, 1949 the Constituent
Assembly adopted the Constitution of India and it came
into effect on January 26, 1950. This is why January 26
is celebrated as ‘‘Republic Day”. Since 2015, November
26 has been observed as the “Constitution Day of India
or “Samvidhan Divas”.
Indian Constitution came into force on___.
(a) 15th August 1947 (b) 26th January 1950
(c) 26th November 1948 (d) 6th November 1948
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4.15 pm)
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question
When did the Constitutent Assembly adopt the
Constitution of India?
(a) 26th November 1949 (b) 26th January 1950
(c) 26th November 1947 (d) 26th January 1947
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above questio
The movement Objectives Resolution to guide
the deliberations of the Assembly was started by
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Kiran Desai
(c) K Natwar Singh
(d) K.M. Munshi
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 10 am)
Ans : (a) The historic ‘Objectives Resolution’ was
moved by Jawahar Lal Nehru on 13 December 1946
and was adopted unanimously on January 22, 1947. On
the basis of Objectives Resolution, India’s Constitution
gave institutional expression to the fundamental
commitments. – equality, liberty, democracy and
- The Constitution of India was framed by :
(a) Planning Commission
(b) Constituent Assembly
(c) President
(d) Working Committee
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 4.15 pm)
Ans : (b) Following India’s Independence from British
Government in 1947, Constituent Assembly of India
was elected to frame the Constitution of India under the
chairmanship of Dr Rajendra Prasad. The Constitution
was drafted by 299 delegates from different caste
regions, religions, genders etc. These delegates sat over
for 114 days spread over 2 years 11 months 18 days.
- In which year did the Government of India
pass the Disabilities Act?
(a) 1995 (b) 1993
(c) 1997 (d) 1992
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : The Disabilities Act was passed by
Government of India in 1995.
The drafting committee wrote the Indian
Constitution in which language?
(a) English and Hindi (b) Only English
(c) English and Urdu (d) English, Hindi and Urdu
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4.15 pm
Ans : (a) On 29 August 1947 the Constituent Assembly
set up a Drafting Committee under the chairmanship of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to prepare a Draft Constitution for
India. It prepared its draft only in English and later was
translated into Hindi. At the time of commencement,
constitution had 395 Articles, 22 Parts and 8 Schedules
Who headed Provincial Constitution Committee?
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(c) V.P Menon
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : The Constituent Assembly appointed total of
22 committees in order to make the framing and other
task easy. Some significant of them are :
Committee Heads
Drafting Committee B.R. Ambedkar
Provincial Constitution Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Union Constitution Jawaharlal Nehru
Steering Committee Dr. Rajendra Prasad
House Committee B Pattabhi Sitaramayya.
Which of the following is NOT a feature of the
Indian Federal System ?
(a) Written Constitution
(b) Independent Judiciary to settle disputes
(c) Single-tier government
(d) Division of powers between the Centre and
the States
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : While considering the option :
The Indian Constitution is the lengthiest constitution of
the world. Also, in India there is a provision of Integrated
and Independent judiciary. Indian Constitution gives
detailed description over division demarcation of power
between centre and states. Only option ‘c’ doesn’t seems
suitable as because Indian constitution adopted multiple
governance at different tiers.