Making Connection Flashcards
To decide the quality or importance of sth
A signal that makes sth clear
A connection or relationship between 2 or more things
A great difference
Eradicate (v)
Destroy sth completely
A bad opinion of sth because of society
Address (v)
To deal with a question or a problem
Account for
To explain the reason for sth
- become smaller
- to catch or become ill from a disease
A person with similar responsibilities in a different place
Virtually (adv)
Available, able to used
Advance (n)
An example of progress.
In the last 20years, there have been a number of important advances in the treatment of heart diseases.
Aerobic (adj)
Relating to the increase of oxygen in the blood.
Taking a dance class provides good aerobic exercise.
Considerable (adj)
Very large , enormous
To focus on sth
To work with s.o. else for specific purpose
To show that sth is true or to prove sth
The act of finding or discovering sth
To ged rid of
To state that sth is very important
To cause sth to begin
The city initiated a new program to educate young children about friendship.
Key (adj)
Existing over a wide area ; widespread
To estimate a number or amount for the future
A change in focus or direction
The result of a sudden change in blood flow to part of the brain.
To change from one thing to another
Conquer ( v)
To defeat
Defective (adj)
Imperfect , containing a mistake
To appear , to come out of sth
Related to moral beliefs
Immune (adj)
Protected against sth
To receive characteristics from parents through genes
A significant event in development of sth
Pursue (v)
To follow
Revive (v)
To bring s.o or sth back to life
Setback (n)
Sth that causes a temporary delay or stops progress
Underestimate (v)
To think that sth is lower or less than it really is
To reproduce
Cognitive (adj)
Relating to process of thinking
To reduce the value of sth
Disproportionately (adv)
Too much or too little compared to other similar things
To improve the quality, strength or amount of sth
Fatigue (n)
A feeling of great tiredness
A weakness or inability to do sth
Impair( v)
To damage sth or make sth worse
Linger (v)
To remain or stay longer than expected
Perpetuate (v)
To make sth such as bad situation, a belief, etc continue for a long time
Pervade (v)
To spread through all part
Primarily (adv)
Coming before an event or before sth is completely finished
Reluctant (adj)
Not wanting to do sth
Although there are major problems, the government is reluctant to change it
Straightforward (adj)
To send , move , pass from one location to another
Thrive (v)
To grow develop and succeed
Vulnerable (adj)
Able to easily hurt or attacked
Affordable ( adj)
Not expensive
Adequate (adj)
Enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
Commitment (n)
A promise to do sth
Ensure (v)
To make sure
Evident (adj)
Obvious, easily seen
Expansion ( n)
The increase in size, …
Facility (n)
A building or equipment used for a specific purpose.
Hinder ( v)
To make it hard for sth to happen
Immense ( adj)
Huge enormous
Implement( v)
To put a plan or a system into operation
Incentive (n)
Sth that encourages a person or organization to do sth
Invest (v)
To put money on sth to make profit
Ongoing (adj)
Initially (adv)
At first
Colossal (adj)
My family made the colossal decision to immigrate in usa
Abolish ( v)
To end or to eliminate
The usa government abolished slavery in 1865
Disintegrate (v)
To become weaker or destroyed by falling into small pieces
Endure ( v)
To Suffer or to experience sth difficult , painful or unpleasant
Option (n)
Persistent (adj)
Continuing even through difficult situation
Stability (n)
When sth stays the same and doesn’t change or move
Later , afterward
Consist of
To be made of
Construction (n)
The building of sth
Contemporary (adj)
Deport (v)
To send s.o back to their native country
Domestic (adj)
Relating to the house
A domestic worker : housewife
Former (adj)
Motivation n)
The reason why you are willing to do sth
Prospect (n)
The possibility that sth will happen
Range (v)
To vary
Secure (adj)
Dominant (adj)
more important or stronger than sth of the same type
Embrace (v)
To accept sth with enthusiasm
Immerse (v)
To fully involve s.o in an activity
Innate ( adj)
Natural, inborn, inherent, intrinsic
Interact (v)
To communicate
Mainstream( adj)
Common , shared and accepted by most people
Merge (v)
To combine or join together
Tolerance (n)
A willingness to accept ideas or behaviors different from your own
Unjustified (adj)
Not deserved
Diminish (v)
To reduce in size or importance
Dismiss (v)
To decide that sth is not worth considering
Distinct (adj)
Separate , clearly different
Distribute (v)
To spread over a large area ; to hand out
Dynamic (adj)
Exciting , full of life
Erosion (n$
The gradual weakening or wearing away of sth
Inevitably (adv)
Bias (n)
An unfair personal opinion that influences your judgment
Contradict (v)
To state the opposite of what s.o has said
Detrimental (adj)
Disruption (n)
Impede (v)
To slow sth down
Impending (adj)
Institute (v) (n)
(V) to establish , to start
Integration (n)
The process of mixing 2 or more things or groups in a society
Irrational (adj)
Not based on reason or clear thinking
Massacre (n)
The killing of a large number of people
Merit (n)
The quality of being good ;deserving praise
Remedy (v)
To find a solution to a problem or difficulty
Acquisition (n)
The act of obtaining or beginning to have sth
Expose (v)
To create conditions that allow s .o to have the opportunity to learn sth new
Fetus (n)
A baby before it is born
Perceive (v)
Perception (n)
(V) to notice sth based pn sight or sound
Prosperous (adj)
Rich , wealthy
Retain (v)
Retention (n)
To keep or continue to have sth
Approximate (adj)
Almost the same , not quite exact
Attain (v)
To achieve or obtain sth difficult
Conflicting (adj)
Implication (n)
A possible effect
In the long run (adv)
Mastery (n)
The complete control understanding of sth
Precise (adj)
Exact , accurate
Presumably adv
Most likely
Proponent (n)
A supporter of sth
Overtake (v)
Catch up and overtake
To go past so or sth
Breakdown (n)
Call for ( v)
To need or require sth
Conform (v)
To satisfy the established standards or rules
Convention ( n)
Document (v)
To record information in written form
Elaborate ( adj) ( v)
Having a lot of details
Empirical (adj)
Based on data rather than theory
Hypothetical ( adj )
Imagined ; not based on proven theory
Impose (v)
Inflict ; to force s.o to accept sth .
Modify (v)
To change sth slightly
Cease (v)
To stop doing sth
Advantageous (adj)
Helpful , beneficial
Exhibit )v)
To show sth
Utility (n)
Vigorous (adj)
Lively , energetic
Consistently (adv)
Always happening in the same way
Pay no attention
Incident (n)
An usual or unpleasant event
Remedial (adj)
Intended to correct or improve sth
Sophisticated (adj)
Advanced , complicated
Irreversible (adj)
Cannot be changed back to its original condition
Paradigm. (N)
A very clear example used as a model
Reliant (adj)
Dependent on sth or s.o
Able to continued and maintained
Substitute sth for sth else
To replace sth with sth else
Insufficient adj
Not enough
Periodic adj
Happening periodiccaly
A formal statement of a decision or an opinion
An agreement , a generally accepted opinion
To create ; produce
To pay part of the cost of sth
Thereby adv
Because of this ; as a result of this
Underlying (adj)
Real , but not obvious or easily seen
Attributable adj
Caused by
Conceivable (adj)
Possible to imagine or to think
Imposition n
The establishment of rules or laws that must be obeyed
To encourage or persuade s.o to do sth
Pose (v)
To cause a problem or a difficulty
Protocol n
A formal set of official rules
Unprecedented adj
Never having happened or existed before