Make up a volumetric flask and carry out a simple acid-base titration Flashcards
How is the solid weighed?
place the weighing boat on the pan of a diital balnce, place into the boat approxmitely the mass of sodium hydrogensulfate needed to make the solution of a particular concentration
record its precise mass
What is done with the solid after being weighed?
emptied into a beaker and then re-weigh the boat, which may still contain traces
calc. the mass of the solid that has been transferrd
What is added to the beaker?
add an appropriate amount of deoionised water
What is the beaker emptied into?
a volumetric flask using a funnel
then using a wash bottle rinse the beaker and funnel into the same volumetric flask
rinse the glass rod in these washings
make the volumetric flask up to the graduated mark
What is done to the volumetric flask?
put a stopper in it and mix the contents of the flask
What is the final step?
record the conc. in mol dm-3 of your solution to an appropriate precision
TITRATION - what should be done to prepare the pipette?
rinse with deionised water
TITRATION - How is the solution added?
using a pipette and a pipette filler
TITRATION - how is the titration carried out?
add slowly
add dropwise near the end point
record rough and then 3 (at least) titres or until you get two within .1 of eachother