Make And Do Flashcards
Make the best
To use sth in an effective way
Make a break with
To stop having a close relationship with someone on to change a course of actions that you have had for a long time
Make a meal of
Carry out (a task or actions) with unnecesary effort por thoroughness
Make do with
Manage with the limit or inadequate means available
Make time
Find an ocassion when time is available
Make off with
To steal sth and hurry away with it
To pretend or imagine
Make up my mind
Make q decision
Do the trick
Bring out a desined result
Do the honours
Act as a host, performing introductions and attending to guests
Do the dirty work
To do a task that is dishonest
Do wonders
Have a very beneficial on someone or sth
Do it yourself
The activity of doing or making sth without professional training or assistance
Do without
Manage without sth
Done to a turn
Done to perfection