Make a Website - Codecademy Flashcards
h1 … h6
heading element
The a element is used to create links.

The img element is used to add images to a page.

ul li
a bulleted list
- Home
- About

The body element contains the actual content of the web page - everything nested inside and shows up in the web browser

The doctype at the start of the HTML file tells the browser which version of HTML you are using. The doctype is not an HTML element, so it doesn’t have a closing tag. The doctype ensures that your web page displays consistently when its visited from different browsers.

A div element groups other elements together into sections of the web page, such as a navigation bar, the main body, and the footer.
The outer
groups the elements into the navigation bar section of the web page. The inner .. wraps the contents in a container.
HTML is used to write a web page’s content
CSS is used to define the design and layout of the page.
CSS rules
- A CSS rule starts with a selector. A selector specifies which HTML elements to style. Here the h1 CSS selector selects all h1 HTML elements on the page.
- Inside the braces { }, a property and its valuedefine what aspect of the h1 elements to style. Setting the color property to red changes the color of the h1 element to red.

Class Selector
The class can be targeted from CSS by using a dot (.).
The background-color property sets the color for the background of an HTML element.
background-image property sets an image as the background of an HTML element.
Ex.) background-image: url(;
The border property sets the width, style, and color of an element’s border
The padding property creates space between the content and border of an element. This whitespace is useful in order to improve readability and organization of the page.
The margin property creates space for multiple HTML elements. The margin is a transparent area outside the border of an element.
The head element contains information that the web browser needs to display the page.
The link element tells the browser where to find the CSS file used to style the page. Therel attribute tells the browser that the file being linked is a CSS file to style the page. Thehref attribute gives the browser the path to the CSS file.
The body element contains the content of the page that shows up in the web browser.

CSS treats HTML elements like boxes. A box can be “block” or “inline”.
Block elements display on a new line (e.g., h1, p,ul, li).
Inline elements display on the same line as their neighboring elements (e.g., img, a)
It’s possible to change whether a box is block or inline by using the display property.

Bootstrap is a collection of prewritten CSS rules used to build web pages faster. Bootstrap provides styles out of the box for several common components on a web page, such as grid layouts, navigation, showcases, and much more.
Many sites have a large showcase area featuring important content.
Bootstrap calls this large showcase a jumbotron.
A jumbotron is used to call extra attention to important content on the site.