Major Theory Book Flashcards
Five Positions of the Feet
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Ouverte, 4th Classical, 4th Croise, 5th
Positions of the Arms
1st, 2nd, Demi 2nd (Adage + Allegro), 3rd, 4th en avant, 4th en haut, 5th en bas, 5th en avant, 5th en haut
Derivative Arm Positions
Lyrebird (5th en haut)
Cecchetti Pas de Chat (1st arabesque)
Presentation (5th en avant)
Spanish 4th
Five Positions of the Head
Erect Raised Lowered Turned either way Inclined either way (can also be combined, eg: 1/2 turned, 1/2 inclined)
Seven Movements in Dancing
PEGREST Plier (to bend) Etendre (to stretch) Glisser (to glide) Relever (to rise) Elancer (to dart) Sauter (to jump) Tourner (to turn)
Use of the Eight Points of the Room
Used by the choreographer or teacher to indicate where the dancer should begin, travel to or end a dance or enchainements and to assist the dancer with body alignment.
Seven Correct Movements of the Foot
- Pied a terre
- Pied a quart
- Pied a demi pointe
- Pied a trois quart
- Pied a pointe
- Foot in the air with the pointe extended downwards
- Foot in air with the pointe extended downwards and backwards so the heel is forced forwards.
* Flexed foot is used in character dancing (like Russian and Chinese national dances)
Theory of Port de Bras
- concerned with Position, Opposition and Carriage
- in movement or stillness, position of one arm should be balanced or counterbalanced by the other arm (eg: 2nd + 4th PDB)
- never cross imaginary centre line
- arms always curved except in arabesque line
- raised through 5th en avant to higher position and lowered through 2nd
- arms, legs and body must be in harmony
- if the painting is the legs and footwork, the frame is the arms and they can make or break the artwork
Five Arabesques
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Eight Directions of the Body
A la quatrieme devant A la seconde A la quatrieme derriere Croise devant Croise derriere Ecarte Efface Epaule
Dabbling or paddling
Upset or reversed
To shorten
To fly
Basic step: Assemble battu (dessus et dessous)
Basic step: Entrechat quatre vole (devant et derriere)
Same arm en haut as leg raised
Basic step: Pas de bourree fouette saute en tournant (landing in 1st or 2nd arabesque)
1st arabesque - arms through 4th en haut
2nd arabesque - arms through 5th en haut
Basic step: Brise vole (en avant et en arriere)
Arms in 4th en avant opposition
Basic Purpose of Plies
- Practised at the barre to warm and strengthen the muscles of the legs
- in the centre to refine the dancer’s equilibrium.
- to ensure adequate shock absorption for allegro
- to encourage movement in the knee joint
Basic Purpose of Tendus
- To stretch and strengthen the muscles in the feet
- to extend insteps well outwards
- to enable you to slide out and return your foot in the same straight line
Basic Purpose of Degages
- to render insteps supple
- to strengthen the toes
- to make muscles elastic to attain good elevation
Basic Purpose of Retires
Prepare for:
- developpes
- retires releves
- pirouettes
Basic Purpose of Ronds de jambe a terre
- enable turn out
- encourage you to keep toe back and heel forward
Basic Purpose of Frappes
- strengthen the insteps
- stengthen the toes
- render muscles elastic
Basic Purpose of Petit Battements
-improve entrechats and other batterie movements
Basic Purpose of Ronds de jambe en l’air
-make knees easy and supple
Basic Purpose of Fondus
-coordination of arms and legs as preparation for jumps
Basic Purpose of Adage
- coordination of the legs, arms and head
- balance, especially on one leg
- sense of style, grace and line
Basic Purpose of Grands battements
-make hips free and easy
Basic Purpose of Battement balances
- to show an even balanced motion
- to loosen leg in the hip socket for extension in large jumps in centre
Basic Purpose of Releves
-to render insteps supple
- balance on the ball of the foot
- awareness of centre of gravity