Major muscles & anatomy Flashcards
Pec major
Medial 1/3 of clavicle and sternum & sup 6 ribs. Inserts into lateral bicipital groove. Lateral & medial pectoral nerves
Pec minor
3-5th ribs to coracocoid process. Medial pectoral nerve
Serratus anterior
External ribs 1-8. Inserts into anteromedial scap. Long throacic nerve
EOP, nuchal ligament, SPs of C7-T12. Inserts into later 1/3 of clavicle, acromion & spine of scap. Spinal acessory nerve & C3/4/
Latissimus dorsi
T6-12, thoracolumbar fascia and illiac crest. Insertts into floor of bicipital groove. Thoracodorsal nerve
Levator Scapulae
TP c1-4. Inserts medial border of scap. Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid maj & min
Minor- C7-t1 and inserts into end of spine of scap
Major: T2-5 and inserts into inferior to spine of scap
Lateral clavical, acromion and spine of scap into deltoid tubercle. Axillary nerve
Supraspinous fossa into greater tubercel of humerus. Suprascpaular nerve
Infraspinous fossa into greater tubercle of humerus. SUprascapular nerve
Teres minor
Lateral scap into greater tubercle of humerus. Axillary nerve
Teres Major
inferior scap angle into biciptial grove
Subscapular fossa into the lesser tubercle of humerus. Upper & lower subscapular nerves
Biceps brachii
coracoid process and supraglenoid tubercle into radial tiberosity and bicipital aponeurosis. Musculocutanoues nerve
Coracoid process into medial humerus. Musculocutanous nerve
Distal anterior humerus into ulnar tuberosity, musculocutaneous nerve
Triceps Brachii
Infraglenoid tubercle on scapular, posterior humerus super & inferior to radial groove. Inserts into olecranon and ulnar. Radial nerve
T12-L5 into lesser trochanter of femur. L1-L3 &femoral nerve
ASIS into superormedial tibia. Femoral nerve
Rectus femoris
AIIS into quadripces tendon, femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
greater trochanter & lateral femor into qudricep tendon, femoral nerve
Vastus medialis
medial femur into quadriept tenddon. Femoral nerve