Major Federal Agencies Involved in Control of Advertising Flashcards
Federal Trade Commission
Regulates commerce between states; controls unfair business practices; takes action of false and deceptive advertising; most important agency in regulation of advertising and promotion.
Food and Drug Administration
Regulatory division of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; controls marketing of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and potentially hazardous consumer products.
Federal Communications Commission
Regulates advertising indirectly, primarily through the power to grant or withdraw broadcasting licenses.
Postal Service
Regulates material that goes through the mails, primarily in areas of obscenity, lottery, and fraud.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division
Part of the Treasury Department; has broad powers to regulate deceptive and misleading advertising of liquor and tobacco.
Grain Division
Unit of the Department of Agriculture responsible for policing seed advertising.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Regulates advertising of securities.
Patent Office
Regulates registration of trademarks.
Library of Congress
Controls protection of copyrights.
Department of Justice
Enforces all federal laws through prosecuting cases referred to it by other government agencies.