Major Eastern Philosophies Flashcards
It is originated from india and it subscribe the two major phenomena which is karma and nirvana
What is the meaning of karma
Chain of cause and consequences “what we do today have consequence for us in the near future”
What is the meaning of nirvana
It deals with complication of life liberation of life permanently
What does hindus believe about hinduism
Hindus believe that When we die we become one with universe
It is a philosophy of letting go or liberation and teaches us to let our selves stop holding on the case of human suffering
In Buddhism we should stop holding the things that causes us from suffering what are those
Neverending desire
and ego
Who is the person behind buddhism
Gautama Siddhartha Buddha
What is zen buddhism
Zen buddhism is populize in japan and korea it focuses on •meditation to achieve inner peace
Not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you
The golden rule in confucianism
Who is a philosopher in confucianism who is world highly regarded chinese philosopher
What are the moral and political teaching in confucianism
1)To love others
2)to do what right instead of what is of advantage
3)reciprocity the golden rule
4)the rule by moral example instead of violence and force
What is the Analect
Teaching about ethics of societal management recorded
What is taoism
It is founded by Lao Tzu where all things and changes in the world are based on” the way”
What is Tao Te Ching
Source of all being and ultimate reality
Existence of everything also covering everything
Taoism by Lao Tzu
Important details about taoism by tao
•Even world contradict each other or remains the symbol of unity
• living life in the way or tao means you have to go with the flow
• van in our life is against taoism
Saying about The way in Taoism
The way you will guide us to best for us
Characteristics of. Lao Tzu
Positivity calmness and humidity
What is islam
Living in or surrendering to god to achieve peace and security in life
Who is the greatest prophet of islam
Prophet muhammad
Muhammad = praise worthy
•Religion revealed by Alllah to prophet Muhammad who is esteemed by our muslim brothers and sisters