Major Arcana Flashcards
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Magician (I)
- Fine-tuned abilities and skill.
- You have all the skills and abilities necessary to handle a task well and bring it to a successful conclusion.
- Apply yourself with concentration and willpower in order to succeed – you have all the potential you need.
- Now is a time for action and initiation in any new ventures.
- Reminder to have confidence.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The High Priestess (II)
- Now is a time to follow your intuition and trust your instincts.
- Mystery and secrets.
- There may be more depth to a particular matter than you have seen so far.
- May indicate a secret about to become known that would be to your benefit.
- Look at the situation again – you may have missed something before.
- Indicates a desire for knowledge and learning; may also show an interest in deeper/more complex areas of life.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Empress (III)
- Represents growth, prosperity, fertility.
- Brings happy conclusions to matters.
- Promises good rewards for work and efforts.
- Brings situations to fruition.
- Nurturing in all its forms, turning to fulfilled potential.
- Can represent pregnancy/birth/ motherhood, solid happy relation-ships, marriage.
- All in all a wonderfully positive card, especially for those seeking input on relation-ships or fertility matters.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Emperor (IV)
- Important to think rationally especially when others are involved.
- Sign of financial stability, ambition, authority, achievement.
- Need to keep a calm head at this time.
- When making decisions at this time, give more weight to the facts than to your emotions.
- Powerful card that is a wonderful omen for business and career matters; you are in a powerful position to achieve your goals.
- May also represent a powerful male influence.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Hierophant (V)
- May indicate help from a wise trusted person, someone you hold in trust and high regard.
- Suggests conformity and conventional or set ways of thinking, that may be making change difficult.
- May represent influence of traditional values and moral ethics.
- May indicate the need to find a deeper meaning to life by exploring spiritual matters.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Lovers (VI)
- Human love and relationships in all their glory or complexity.
- Harmony of combined polarities.
- May indicate the need to make choices or decisions in or regarding a relationship.
- Generally a positive card unless badly aspected.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Chariot (VII)
- There is a great deal of potential but the end result depends on the effort expended to make it a reality.
- Triumph through hard work.
- Self-discipline is required now but it can lead to victory.
- Focus and perseverance are also necessary.
- Tends to show an inner conflict (rather than external) that needs to be resolved in order to have a positive outcome.
- May indicate travel, depending on other cards/circumstances.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
Strength (VIII)
- Patience and diplomacy (as opposed to aggression), when combined with courage, will achieve required results.
- This card generally indicates you have a reserve of inner strength that gives you more power than you realize.
- Your strength may best be used through quiet determination.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Hermit (IX)
- Signifies careful thought and contemplation, withdrawal from the outside world to reflect and find inner wisdom.
- You may find comfort in solitude at this time.
- You have within you all the answers you need, but you might need some introspection for them to become clear.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Wheel of Fortune (X)
- Represents the cycles of life, showing the transient nature of things.
- Can indicate the commencement of a new cycle when progress can be made.
- Make the most of this fortunate time – change is always just around the corner.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
Justice (XI)
- Now is a time to make balanced decisions that will affect where your path leads you in the future.
- Reminder that balance is always needed when making decisions or choices.
- May imply legal documents or processes.
- This card usually carries beneficial connotations.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Hanging Man (XII)
- Card looks bad but closer inspection shows he could easily release himself if so desired; his position appears to be by choice or simple lack of action.
- There may be an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective, which could bring a solution through better understanding.
- Can indicate delayed gratification or self-sacrifice (not in the literal sense).
- Sometimes we need to let go of some-thing in the short term in order to gain something more beneficial in the long term.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
Death (XIII)
- The image is a symbolic one, not a literal one!
- Heralds the end of one phase of some aspect of your life to make way for a new one.
- Represents major change and trans-formation, positive or negative.
- To benefit from change, we have to stay open to it and know that every life experience gives us the opportunity for major growth and learning on some level.
- We can be released from that which is no longer useful/ productive/beneficial in our lives but which we continue to hold on to just because we’re afraid of change.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
Temperance (XIV)
- Shows opposites being blended successfully.
- Moderation, patience, compromising, diplomacy, cooperation.
- Successful integration of opposite forces.
- Receptive environment for reconciliation if that is needed/desired.
- Balanced emotions (“Justice” card represents balanced thought).
- Always a lovely and gentle card, difficult to find any negative aspects.
- Often brings or heralds healing.
Name the key concepts
associated with this card:
The Devil (XV)
- As with the Death card, this card is symbolic, not literal!
- A situation is dragging you down and you feel helpless to change it.
- May represent a sort of “enslavement”, whether to an ideal, an addiction, or an unhealthy relationship.
- May also represent overindulgence, when seen as a form of self-enslavement.
- May indicate secret plans being made, either by yourself or by those around you.
- May stand for mystery or the unknown, perhaps even being “blind” to something.
- Pentacle in the background reminds us of the earthly element of our physical selves.
- Can represent a passionate or compelling relationship with a strong physical attraction (although not necessary a positive one – view the larger situation), even perhaps a healthy or improving sex life.