Major Arcana Flashcards
Innocence, risk, beginnings. It’s never too late to begin anew and follow your hearts desire. Take a leap of faith. Start over or feel young again.spirit is ready to explore and discover. Welcome in the new.
The Fool
Action, creativity, success. Time for action for communicating and expressing ideas and desires. Broaden your horizons. Trust internal guidance and let go of procrastination. Focus on your projects and capitalize on your personal strengths. Significant journey.
The Magician
Secrets, wisdom, spiritual world. Time for incubation and privacy to go inward. Confidentially is key. If you have a secret or project, keep to yourself. Predicts spiritual learning. Card of psychic gifts. Follow your intuition and connect with your guides.
The High Priestess
Abundance, generosity, creativity. Harmony at home. Symbolizes fertility and femininity. Mother figure.
The Empress
Control, security, order, ambition. Signifies husband or trustworthy partner. In control of emotions and comfortable with who he is. Ambitious but traditional. Brings balance, security, and conventional values. Live in the here and now and use what practical resources you possess.
The Emperor
Education, unity, spiritual direction. Shows support, self-realization, and expansion. Commit to relationships, think and philosophize, and become more spiritually aware. Offers opportunity to integrate mind and spirit. Nurture your talents. Tune your moral compass.
The Hierophant
Love and relationships, maturity, decisions. Follow your hearts desire.
The Lovers
Determination, victory, a journey. Signifies success and a major departure. Focus on your new direction. Take control and navigate your path. You will need your willpower to fuel your desires.
The Chariot
Patience, tension, strength. Then to your higher self for self-guidance. Shows strength in character when dealing with pressure. Time to get a situation under control. Act with grace and sensitivity. Signifies that you’re ready to take on a challenge.
Healing and self-exploration. Take time away from your regular routine to work on a personal project. You need space to process your thoughts and feelings. Beak tradition and find a unique approach. You have all the answers. If you’re under pressure to make a decision, you need more time.
The Hermit
Fate, change, intuition. Anything is possible. The wheel is always turning. Communication with friends and family far away. Listen to your intuition.
Wheel of Fortune
Balance, perception, objectivity. There will be a positive outcome. Past errors and imbalances can be readdressed. Use your perspective and integrity to make good decisions. Working out of karma.
Waiting, sacrifice, enlightenment. “Hanging around”. Events are not happening with speed but all you can do is wait patiently knowing the universe has its own plan. You made a sacrifice and you are waiting to see rewards. You cannot force an outcome. Try to see things from a new angle.
The Hanged Man
Transformation, change. Endings and beginnings. Fast and deep transformation and an opportunity to let go of what you no longer need. Can be sudden and shocking as you have no control over external events. In time you will see that this sharp change is a blessing.
Moderation, reconciliation, healing, angel guidance. Dealing with a potentially volatile situation, temper your thoughts and actions to find harmony and balance. Choose neither one or the other, but blend the two forces. Do not resist, accept both sides. Reconcile any area of your life that is out of kilter. Be hands-on. You are connecting with your guides and may be given a sign. You may also be starting a spiritual journey.
Enslavement, temptation. You may be enslaved to an idea or relationship that demands too much. Destructive situation. Bad influence and greed. This situation may not be worth trying to fix or heal. Walk away and escape.
The Devil
Destruction, enlightenment. Sudden change or a collapse of an idea, dream, relationship, or organization. Inevitable and out of your control. Surrender to the power and accept the huge shift of awareness that is being offered.
The Tower
Hope, guidance, inspiration, creativity. If things have felt off recently, your luck is about to change for the better. Appreciate what life has to offer. Become fully expressed in your love, gifts, and talent. Shine on. Trust messages sent from your guides.
The Star
Illusion, dreams, crisis. You might be having a crisis in faith and are in a period of emotional vulnerability. You may not be sure what the truth is. Choose wisely when making a decision. Rely on senses rather than logic. You may need to take an uncomfortable risk to broaden your life experiences. What is the real cause of unrest?
The Moon
Success, good health, holiday. If you have had a challenging time, your life will improve. You may also start recovery and return to good health. Card of energy and growth. Nurture your creativity, business, and relationships of value. Also associated with children and family.
The Sun
Assessment, letting go of the past. It’s time to make a decision about the past. Opportunities and change are on the horizon but past issues need to be addressed. This process is purely about how you judge yourself on past actions and attitudes. You will feel you have acted with integrity and did the best you could. As you accept yourself fully, you can toot your own horn. Also can predict spiritual awakening and a call to your potential.
Completion, success, reward, joy. Denotes triumph and reward for your efforts. You can really feel your deserved success. Dedication will pay off. Life feels balanced. A phase may be coming to an end. You may be acknowledge pubically for what you do. Good time to manifest, the world is in your favor. Live mindfully and from the heart.
The World