Major And Minor Safety Violation Flashcards
Major safety violation definition
Is considered unsafe act that puts you or others to where life limb or eyesight is in danger can go either recycle or relief from course
Minor safety violation definition
An act that is unsafe that has the potential to cause harm to you or others two infractions of minor safety violation=a major safety violation
List of major safety violations (5) list is not all inclusive
1-causing fracticide durning ftx
2-failure to ground yourself before touching m-6 blasting cap wires
3-failure to keep Rams transmitter in hole off position until
4-failure to use m2 crimpers to cut det cord and or crimp non electric blasting caps
5-crossing over or touching sensitized det cord i.e. Blasting cap is tied into line or ring main
List of minor safety violations (5)
1-time system being outside of window +or- 5secs
2-departing base camp without adhering to safety kit list 6qrts water eyepro opsked
3-not adhering to ruck/day packing list
4-throwing anything on range
5-not anchoring MDI before attaching it