Major and minor illness Flashcards
getting better after an illness or injury
on the mend
suddenly become worse/better
take a turn for the worse/better
get worse in health, quality, etc
go downhill
It’s very uncertain whether sth will happen or not
It is touch-and-go (whether)
get better after a life-threatening illness or operation.
pull through (sth)
feel/be ill or bad tempered
feel/be out of sorts
(of part of the body) become bigger in size. OPP GO DOWN
swell up
become covered in spots or a rash.
come out in sth
go away
find out if sth is safe, correct, acceptable
check sth out
say in order to avoid bad luck
touch wood
It is wiser to act safely than to act careleessly and later regret it.
better safe than sorry