Maintenance Of Desirable Working Standards In The Processing Area Flashcards
Functions of the processing area
- loading and unloading cassettes
- Feeding film into an automatic processor
- Care and maintenance of the automatic processor, cassettes and screens
- Storage of unexposed film materials.
- In modern systems processing the image plate in the reader.
Siting of the processing area
- to be placed in close proximity to where the work of the radiographer is carried out.
- Should serve as many imaging rooms as possible.
Darkroom design and construction
- Location
- Size
- Radiation protection
- Floor
Walls and ceiling - Ventilation and heating
- Type of entrance
Location of darkroom
- centrally located to serve different rooms with ease.
- Sited away from damp or hot areas
- Accessible interms of water and electric supplies.
- Adjoining a viewing area where processed films can be checked.
Size of darkroom
Minimum floor of 10m2and a ceiling height of 2.5 -3cm
Radiation protection in the darkroom
- walls adjoining darkroom and radio diagnostic rooms must be adequately protected from penetration by x-rays.
Floor of the dark room
- use easy material that is easy to clean and maintain.( Plastic tiles)
Walls and ceiling
- light in color to reflect as much light as possible
- Easy to wipe over
Ventilation and heating of the darkroom
*relative humidity of 40 -60%
* Room temp of 18-20 degrees Celsius
* There should be air conditioning system or extractor fans
*Good film handling and storage conditions.
Type of entrance
Can be single door or double,.
They should be designed such that
* There should be no light passage from outside the darkroom.
* The movement of in and out of the darkroom is easy in case of emergency.
* Should have an alternative exit
- The use of dim colored lighting to provide sufficient illumination by which one
can handle, manipulate and process films. - Achieved through passing white light through colored filters which will not fog
the films during processing
Safe film handling time
Maximum time for which a film can be exposed to the safelights during its
removal from the cassette to the time it disappears into the processor without
it experiencing any visible fogging.
Darkroom illumination
ordinary white lighting
* Inspecting and maintenance of cassettes and screens
* Cleaning of work surfaces and floors
* Servicing of the processor and other equipment
Types of darkroom safelights
- Red Safelights
- Orange Safelights
- Brown or Green Safelights
- Safelights with LED Bulbs
Darkroom equipment and layout
- Automatic processor
- Cassette hatch
- Film storage hopper
- Loading bench and cupboards
The viewing area
- For viewing, checking and sorting films
- Access for servicing of automatic processor
- Storage area for a small number of replenishment packs
- Filing compartments, viewing boxes
Health and safety in processing areas
All electrical equipment to be sited well away from sinks
* Earthing of electrical appliances
* Pull-cord switching for lights
* Mains isolator switches controlling all electrical equipment to be withing easy
access of all personnel
* Adequate ventilation
* Exits for fire safety* Masks and gloves to be used always when handling chemicals
* Modern systems use facilities with handling imaging plates that has removed
the use of darkrooms