Maincomio de Verdades V Flashcards
no se Anduvo con Chiquitas (113)
did mince his words, did not pull any punches
Aligerar (113)
(hacer liviano) lighten [a-li-ge-RAR]
Ceñir(se) (113)
cling to [ce-ÑIR]
Encomio (114)
(alabar) flatter [en-CO-mio]
Costal (112)
(saco grande) gunny sack [cos-TAL]
Fallo (114)
(veredicto de juez) ruling [FA-llo]
Gema (114)
(yema de los vegetales) bud [GE-ma]
guardar como Oro en Paño (117)
store as a treasure
es Harina de Otro Costal (112)
a different matter all together
Hatajo (118)
grupo de gente, bunch [ha-TA-jo]
Realzar (116)
(engrandecer) highlight [re-al-ZAR]
Escurrir el bulto (131)
(no hacer frente a algo) pass the buck
Valedero (116)
(legal) binding [va-le-DE-ro]
(fate) to become, occur [de-ve-NIR]
Yermo (137)
(sin cultivar) barren [YER-mo]