Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner from 'Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope' - John Williams Flashcards
which bars is the main theme- introduction comprised of?
- bars 1-3
describe the tonality, time signature, tempo, timbre, melody, dynamics and rhythm of the introduction.
- tonality : key of Bb major
- time signature : 4/4
- tempo : starts fast at 100 BPM - exciting action movie; poco rall in bar 3
- timbre : trumpet, horn, trombone (brass) ; tuba and timpani added in bar 3
- melody : dominated by fanfare-like figures (feeling of expectation), rapid repeating notes develop into staccato triplet figures ; free imitation between trombones and trumpets
- dynamics : fortissimo
- rhythm : triplets
state an example of anacrusis in the introduction.
- bar 3
which bars is section A comprised of?
- bar 4-7
describe the rhythm/pulse of section A.
- strong quadruple pulse -> march style - reflects ‘military’ style of war between rebels and imperial forces
describe the timbre, melody and texture of section A.
- timbre: tutti (all orchestra) ; brass, strings, bassoon playing accompaniment (punctuating syncopated chords) with rhythm emphasised by snare drum
- melody : leitmotif -> heroic main theme played by high trumpets -> introduces protagonist luke skywalker
- texture : mostly melody-based homophony ; accompaniment of punctuating syncopated chords
define leitmotif.
-recurring musical idea associated with a particular idea, character or place -> luke skywalker (hero)
what does syncopated mean?
- off-beat
which bars is section A repeated comprised of?
- bars 8-11
describe the timbre, melody, texture and rhythm of section A repeated.
- flutes/violins play demi-semi quaver runs (bar 7) -> soaring flourishes add brilliance and excitement ; whilst trumpets play main theme, violins play tremolando chords and continue inverted tonic pedal from intro
- percussion play grace notes (bar 7)
which bars is section B (contrasting section) comprised of?
- bars 12-20
describe the melody, dynamics and texture of section B.
- contrasting melody played by all strings apart from double basses - doubled across 3 octaves -> softer (mf), lyrical and more legato compared to section A
- bars 15, 16 + 17 - counter melody
- bar 18 - contrary motion -> treble part descends and bass ascends
describe the timbre and harmony of section B.
- lower brass and lower woodwind play accompanying block chords
- double basses, bassoons and lower woodwind play dominant pedal on F in bass - bars 12-14
- glockenspiel - plays notes from melody
- bar 15 - Db maj chord - foreign, builds climax
- counter melody in bars 15,16 + 17 played by brass and accompanying block chords played by horns /LH piano/oboe - builds climax
- bars 18-20 - rit and resolution from chord V to chord I is held back -> dramatic effect
describe rhythm of section B.
- bar 18 - dotted quaver. semiquaver in rhythmic unison
what bars is main theme section A played twice comprised of?
- bars 21-29
describe the timbre, melody, harmony/rhythm, texture in main theme section A played twice.
- timbre : tutti, theme played by french horn and strings, accompaniment by lower brass/strings and bassoons and emphasised by percussion like timpani (bar 27), harp glissando as link to next section (bar 29)
- melody : bar 21 intervals of perfect fifth and minor 7th - heroic feel ; rebel blockade runner transition begins bar 28-29
- harmony : accompanying chords staccato and accented, punctuated and syncopated and triplets ; tonality - in Bb major and tonal , but from bar 30 - tonality is less clear through more unstable harmonies and progressions
- texture - melody dominated homophony
what bars is the link section comprised of?
- bars 30-32
describe the melody, harmony and rhythm of the link section.
- fanfare-like material, related to intro, building up a chord using repeated quaver/triplet semiquaver rhythm
- rapid ascending sequential figures create sensation of panic
- sequence of sextuplets played staccato with crescendo and accompanied by timpani roll reinforces sense of urgency
what are the rapid sequential figures played by in the link section?
- violins and woodwind -> strings/bassoons/flutes
which bars is the transition section comprised of?
- bars 33-35
describe the transition section.
- rapid arpeggio figures in strings
- harmony - strange, unstable harmonies sustained by brass and woodwind
- dynamics - general diminuendo
- no clear melody
which bars is the star filled sky section comprised of?
- bars 36-68
describe the melody in the star filled sky section.
- brief piccolo melody
- v.different from main theme
- no repetition, sounds awkward and disjointed
- harp plays ostinato figure
describe the texture and timbre in the star filled sky section.
- much lighter texture compared to main theme
- main theme : melody dominated homophony with doubled octaves supported by block chords and a full orchestra
- tuned additional percussion used - vibraphone and celeste for an ethereal feel
define ostinato.
- a short melodic or rhythmic phrase that’s repeated
describe the tonality in the star filled sky section.
- c minor chord inflected by notes from c minor - Ab and Bb in piccolo -> rich, vibrant effect
which bars is the appearance of planets and increase in tension section comprised of?
- bars 39-41
describe the melody, harmony, timbre and texture/dynamics of the appearance of plants and increase in tension section.
- strings play scurrying upward figures -> urgency, tension and panic
- harmony: highly chromatic, becoming more atonal in contrast to main theme in Bb major - atonality creates a sense of uncertainty
- texture/dynamics : block chords build up and crescendo in trombones and horns - texture thickens as more instruments are added
which bars is the spaceship appearing section comprised of?
- bars 42-43
describe harmony, melody and texture of the spaceship appearing section.
- key of C minor - complex chords and dissonance make some of the passage at bars 41-60 almost atonal at times
- 2 chordal figures represent the imperial forces
which bars is the larger spaceship in pursuit firing at the first section comprised of?
- bars 44-50
describe the timbre, texture, harmony, dynamics and tempo of the larger spaceship in pursuit firing at the first section.
- gong-like instrument plays a low C pedal played fortissimo by bass instruments and accompanied by huge Tam-tam (gong) stroke
- harmony is dissonant - Db clashing with the C and the Db-G tritone interval
- timpani and bass instruments play tonic pedal of C - C minor
- bar 50 - dissonant chords played in rhythmic unison, across the orchestra, fortissimo and accented with rit and pause emphasising effect and heightening tension
- timpani hammers out an ominous and threatening rhythm
- similar to Mars from the ‘Planets’
which bars is the battle continues + action switches to inside rebel craft section comprised of?
- bars 51-60
describe the tempo, harmony, timbre and texture of the battle continues + action switches to inside rebel craft section.
- bar 51 - tempo speeds up to 160BPM
- dissonant chords played in rhythmic unison -> entire orchestra playing same rhythm together
- strings/lower brass and woodwind play an ostinato figure on the note C
- Db major chord - bar 53
- Db major chord over note C in bass - semitone interval and clashes with C