Main Theorists Flashcards
Young + Willmott (M.o.P)
Men are doing more domestic tasks as women are becoming dual earners due to social changes:
- Changes in women’s positions.
- New technology - labour saving devices.
- Higher living standards.
Gershuny (cultural)
- Women who work full time have a shared division of labour.
- Parental role models are important in establishing new norms - couples whose parents had a more equal relationship were more likely to share housework equally themselves.
- 70% of couples said they made equal decisions.
Man Yee Kan (material)
- Younger men do more domestic work.
- For every extra £10K, women have 2 hours less of housework.
Sullivan (material)
Working full-time compared to part-time affects the amount of domestic work each partner does.
Crompton (material)
- If equality depends on economic equality, there is no immediate prospect
- 7/8 households where men earn more.
Oakley (F)
- 15% husbands helped with house work.
- 25% helped in childcare.
Less than 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare.
Dex + Warde
Involvement in childcare until the child was sick (1%).
Duncombe + Marsden (F)
Triple shift: domestic, paid + emotion work.
Emotion work - managing feelings of family members.
- Segregated conjugal roles - male breadwinner, female carer.
- Joint conjugal roles - couples share tasks + spend their leisure time together.
Lesbians have a symmetrical gender relationship due to the absence of gender scripts.
Pahl + Vogler
- Allowance - men give their wives a budget, retaining surplus income.
- Pooling - sharing money in a joint bank account.
Barrett + McIntosh
Men gain more from women’s domestic work than they give back in financial support.
Women’s lives revolve around their husbands’ careers.
- Very important decisions: husband.
- Important decisions: joint.
- Less important decisions: wife.
- Southern: women manage the family’s quality time (less important).
Women manage the family’s quality time (less important).
Smart (PLP)
- Gays attach no importance to who controlled the money - control of money didn’t mean inequality in a relationship.
- Different types of childhoods, e.g. disabled, girl, Chinese.
- Connectedness thesis - connections influence our choices.
Official Statistics (D.V)
- 2 women a week killed by an ex or current male partner.
- Nearly 1/4 women have been assaulted by a partner.
- Every 3 victims: 2 women, 1 man.
- Cheal: police are reluctant to get involved as family is considered private - affects validity of official statistics.
Police are reluctant to get involved as family is considered private - affects validity of official statistics.
Women suffer average of 35 attacks before reporting to police.
Dobash + Dobash (R.F)
- Domestic violence is caused by patriarchy + need for men to assert their power.
- Elliot: not all men are aggressive + violence.
Walby (F)
Violence - men use their physicality to intimidate women.
Wilkinson + Pickett (M)
Stress of less resources leads to violence.
Ansley (M.F)
D.V is a product of capitalism - men frustrated at work take it out on their wives.