Main Factions Of Democrat Party Flashcards
What are the three main factions?
-the blue dog coalition
-new democrat coalition
-congressional progressive caucus
What is the blue dog coalition?
-moderates who seek common cause with republicans
-supports fiscal responsibility
What issues are they neutral with?
-gun control
-gay rights
What did they do in 2023?
-supported freezing Iranian assets in a statement
-‘children ripped from…their parents…taken as hostages’
What is the new Democrat coalition?
-largest dem house caucus with 104 members in 2020
-broad middle/centrist wing of party
What is the NDC committed to?
-pro-econ growth, pro-innovation + fiscally responsible policies
What is an example of the NDC’s policy positions?
-reduce energy prices + transition to sustainable energy
-by instituting investments made in the inflation reduction act 2022
What was the inflation reduction act 2022?
-invest in domestic energy production
-promote clean energy
What is the congressional progressive caucus?
-most liberal + progressive
-2020 98 members from mostly solid blue districts
What are their policy positions?
-align with the pressure group Justice Democrats
-econ justice, security for all, advancing environmental protection + energy independence
What did the CPC do in 2022?
-urged Biden administration seek negotiations + diplomatic end to Russian invasion Ukraine
-while advocating continued econ + military support for Ukraine