Main Deck Exam Cards Flashcards
Ability to absorb moisture/product
Hair elasticity
Ability for hair to stretch to original length when wet
Hydrogen bond
Weak bond, broke down by water and heat
Salt bond
Weak bond, broken down by changes in pH
Strong bond, broken down by thio relaxers and thio perms
Tiny grains of pigment in the cortex that give natural color to hair
Provides brown and black color to hair
Provides natural hair colors that range from red and ginger to yellow and light blonde
Technical term for dandruff
Pseudofalliculitis barbae
Razor bumps
How many shaving areas on the face?
14 shaving areas
Vertical/diagonal cut
Texturizes the hair
Porosity Test
Determines strength for the chemical
Peptide bond
Strong bond, chemical depilatories
Alkaline substance
Breaks chemical bonds, softening and expands the hair
Hydroxide relaxer
Break down disulfide bonds till they can’t be reformed
2 types of relaxers
Thio and hydroxide
Secondary color
Mixing equal amounts of primary colors
Tertiary color
Mixing equal amounts of one primary colors with one of its adjacent secondary color
Warm /cool
Light or darkness of a hair color
Demi permanent
Last longer than semipermanent, but not as long as permanent
Stays till grown out, uses hydrogen peroxide developer
Patch test
Strand test
For intensity of chemical
Cause boils
Hepatitis(blood borne)
Damages liver
Phenolic disinfectant
Base relaxer
Require the application of a bass cream to the entire scalp prior to relaxer application
No base relaxer
Contain a base cream ,melt at body temperature, and do not require the application of a separate protective base
What are the Relaxer strengths?
What are some Relaxer precautions?
2 towels/waterproof cape/examine scalp/protective cream around hairline
Metallic(mineral) dyes
Color restorers/progressive, reacts with keratin in the hair turning it brown
Hydrogen peroxide developer
Oxidizing agent that supplies oxygen gas for the development of color molecules
An oxidizer, powdered persulfate salts, added to hair colors, lighteners or hydrogen peroxide to increase the chemical action of the product
Chemical compounds that lighten hair by dispersing, dissolving, and decolorizing the natural hair pigment/bleach and hydrogen peroxide
Types: on scalp= cream & oil ; off scalp= powder
Tint(dye removers)
mixed with hydrogen peroxide, activates chemical reaction known as oxidation
Designed to correct excessive porosity