MAIN DECK Flashcards
What is Rule Number 1?
Read Procedure
Read the procedure thoroughly before entering the lab.
What is Rule Number 2?
Instructions/Teacher present
Carefully follow all instructions and don’t work in the class without a teacher present
What is Rule Number 3?
Safety Goggles and Apron
Safety goggles and aprons must be worn at all times.
What is Rule Number 4?
Safety equipment
Know/remember all the locations of the safety equipment. This includes a First aid kit, Eye wash station, Fire extinguisher, and chemical spill kit.
What is Rule Number 5?
Follow signs/regulations
Know and follow the “Workplace Hazardous Materials” signs/regulations
What is Rule Number 6?
Hair, Jewlery, Baggy clothes, Full pant
Long hair must be tied, jewelry must be removed, baggy clothing must be secured and long pants must be worn.
What is Rule Number 7?
Eating, drinking, chewing gum, and any cosmetics/items are prohibited.
What is Rule Number 8?
Walking and Belongings
Carefully walk and keep your area clean, as well as keeping belongings in a designated place.
What is Rule Number 9?
Examine glassware for any damage
What is Rule Number 10?
Taste/Touch substance
Dont taste or touch any substance or mixture.
What is Rule Number 11?
Handling Chemicals
Handle chemicals with care
What is Rule Number 12?
Harmful Fumes
Experiments involving harmful fumes must be performed in a fume head.
What is Rule Number 13?
Test Tube Mouth
Don’t point the mouth of a test tube at yourself or others.
What is Rule Number 14?
Report any accident on injury to the teacher immediately.
What is Rule Number 15?
Hot Equipment
Never leave hot equipment unattended