Main Flashcards
How is called a porcess where a single abstract method can be implemented using anonymous function?
Single Abstract Method Conversion (SAM)
What do you pass instead if an object implements SAM?
val age = 45. Write a conditional to check if age is even
age % 2 == 0
build a raw String named player
val player : String = “””
If “”” raw String is used do you need to use an escape characters?
For what Raw Strings are useful?
Regex patterns
What kotlin ability we can use to add a function to 3rd party library?
What type indicates that the function will never coplete normally
val thing : Nothing = TODO()
If we write a function but we do not want to return yet
how can we stop compiler complaining about the error?
By using TODO
fun age() : Int {
Why Unit in kotlin is useful?
It can be used in generics. For instance, ‹
4 Kotlin language principles
1.Concise 2.Pragmatic 3.Safe 4.Interoperable
What is idiomatic language code
It is a code which is specific for a language
How do we call Kotlin’s ability to work with Java code?
Interoperablility - the ability of computer systems or software to exchange and make use of information
How to define that member variable is read-only ?
var hasBeenHnadled = false private set // Allow read-only
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class AppConfiguration( val version: Int, val diagnosisKeysPerSubmit: Int, val pollingIntervalMinutes: Long, val tokenLength: Int ) Let's say we have data which should be read-only, like the example above. How can we achieve this?
by specifying variable’s set() to private in the reposisitory
var appConfiguration: AppConfiguration private set