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judicial review
power of SC and federal courts to interpret the Constitution
declare legislative and executive acts in violation of the Constitution
article III
establishes the judicial branch
(1) interpretation of the Constitution, federal laws, treaties, admiralty and maritime laws
(2) disputes bw states, states and foreign citizens, and citizens of diverse citizenships
11th amendment = state sovereign immunity
federal courst cannot hear cases if a state is the ∆, states have immunity, cannot be sued without consent
exceptions to state sovereign immunity
(1) state consents
(2) congress authorizes states to be sued under 14th amendment
(3) seeking injunctive relief against state official = state official has to pay for damages
types of cases a court can can hear and decide
cannot decide a case unless πhas standing
πhas burden to prove
(1) injury in fact
(2) causation
(3) redressability
favorable court decision would redress an issue suffered by π
taxpayer standing
no = standing to file federal lawsuit for improper allocation of funds by government
yes = litigate how much taxpayer owes for taxes
yes = governmental spending in violation of the establishment clause
3rd party standing
one cannot assert the constitutional rights of others for standing
if claim has their own standing, they can include third party rights
(1) 3rd party is unable to assert their own
(2) there is a special relationship
(3) π injury adversely affects 3rd party relationship
organizational standing
when org has suffered injury OR
on behalf of its members
(1) member would have their own standing
(2) interest at state are related to orgs purpose
case has to be ripe = πexperienced real injury or immediate threat of
federal court cannot consider a claim that is not full developed
case becomes moot if further proceedings would have no effect
no longer a controversy
live controversy must exist at each stage
exception to mootness
(1) capable of repeating = pregnancy
(2) voluntary cessation = ∆voluntarily ceases wrongful action
(3) class action = entire class not dismissed bc named party’s claim is moot
advisory opinions
will NOT render opinions based on hypothetical facts
actual injury or controvery must exist
political question
will NOT rule on poltical matters
(1) constitution has assigned decision making roles to another branch of govt
necessary and proper power
congressional power
congress can do anything that is necessary and proper to execute their powers
taxing power
congressional power
raise revenue for general welfare
(1) bear some reasonable relationship to revenue production
(2) congress has the power to regulate the activity they are taxing
spending power
congressional power
provide for the common defense and general welfare
commerce power
congressional power
power to regulate all foreign and interstate commerce
13th 14th and 15th amendment enforcement
authorities congress to pass appropriate legislation to enforce the civil rights guaranteed by those amendments
powers of congress
declare war
foreign affairs
aliens = non citizens
federal land
13th amendment
ban slavery
14th amendment
equal protection and due process
15th amendment
voting rights
delegation of legislative power
congress can delegate some powers to the president if their is guidance and limitations
and its not explicitly given to congress
powers of the president
commander in chief
treat power
executive orders
executive agreements
executive privilege and immunity
privilege to keep certain communications secret
national security is most important
absolute immunity over civil damages within official responsibilities
no immunity for acts before taking office
president, vice president, and all civil officers are subject
majority in the House = invoke charges
+ 2/3 = in Senate to convict and remove
10th amendment
any power not given to federal government is given to states
commandeering clause
supremacy clause
federal laws is supreme law of the land
state law can be more restrictive than fed law
state has police power